Chapter Forty Six

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A/N: This chapter only focuses on Peter Pan, to honour a certain bond that you will understand as your read further. It's also shorter than usual, so I do apologise, but if I have written any more, it wouldn't have a great impact as it would leaving it at that.
Enjoy! 💖

Peter was not loyal in his nature. He was conniving, deceiving, and manipulative. Loyalty did not come very often to him, so when it did, Pan tended to make it worthwhile. He could feel his insides twisting, a truly discomforting sensation he rarely ever got to endure. Peter dreaded his walk towards the centre point of Neverland this time, for this was no agreement nor a friendly conversation.

This was a hostile attack.

Usually, Peter would be squirming in delight with the exquisite thought of an unexpected betrayal, but certainly not this time. Not when the person he was about to betray was one which Peter truly, genuinely respected. He held a grim face as his dull, green eyes landed on the magnificent Pixie Hollow tree looming over him in all its glorious pride, buzzing with raw, pure magic and glowing with an endless flow of pixie dust.

He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing with his actions, before he set his sight on the fairies guarding the entrance of their division, and just as he always did, Peter demanded, "Take me to your queen."

Who would soon no longer be your leader. He thought bitterly.

There was still time for Peter to change his mind, but it was never the case when he'd made a decision. It was cast in stone to him. Queen Clarion and Peter Pan always knew that the day would come for them to battle, bringing their alliance to an end - but they both expected the other to show the decency and respect of a warning in advance, to have a proper chance to win. Peter was disrespecting his honour and his word, and betraying a lifelong friend.

And he felt absolutely wretched.

Peter set foot onto the enchanting division, purposely avoiding everyone's gaze so as to not deepen the unforgiving claws his guilt further. He cast his vision on the ground beneath him, trekking cautiously and deliberately slow. He wished to delay this for as long as he possibly could. Metanoia offered her companionship in this tough journey, but Peter was inclined to gently turn her down. This was a delicate matter he had to attend to by himself. He at least owed that to Queen Clarion.

As he set foot into the throne room the fairies' queen usually met him in, his heart furiously tugged at his veins, screaming at him to not follow through with his twisted mind's plan, the moment he was met with Queen Clarion's smiling, compassionate face.

Beaming at him warmly, she greeted him. "Peter, my dear. Do have a seat!"

Pan warily eyed the chair she was gesturing to, feeling much worse for her friendly attitude.

"I think I prefer to stand this time, your Majesty." He replied, a cold edge to his tone, instantly grabbing the queen's attention.

"Oh? Well if you won't sit, then I won't either." She regarded him calmly, concern eminent on the soft creases forming on her forehead. "What's gotten you in this state, Peter? Is it because of the loss of one of your people?"

Peter gulped in frustration, and wiped his palms flat against the fabric of his pants. "It's a little more than that."

"Well, what is it?" She frowned.

Peter tentatively took a step around the chair he was meant to take a seat on, and his slender fingers gripped the wood unforgivingly. It took everything in him not to break it as a result of his intolerable nerves eating away at his insides. Pan loathed feeling the way he did - and he wished he never built a connection with the queen. It would have made this whole ordeal far easier.

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