Chapter Fifteen

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WARNING: This chapter includes violence.

Metanoia awoke the following morning in a serene state of mind, which was something she wasn't accustomed to. She usually woke up with a start, gasping or in a cold sweat, or having a nightmare forcing her to wake herself up. But today felt different; she was peaceful. She hummed to herself a vibrant tune as she descended the rickety ladder leading to the ground where everyone was having breakfast. However, Metanoia was far too absorbed into her mellow mood, that she hadn't realised Pan walking past her, and so she bumped rather harshly into him.

She embarrassingly stumbled from the impact, expecting Pan to hold her steady, but unsurprisingly, he did nothing of the sort, and instead stared down at her grudgingly. Metanoia glanced up at him, her good mood vanishing in thin air.

"It's a surprise seeing you join us for breakfast, considering you never do." She spoke pointedly, folding her arms across her chest boldly.

Pan gazed down at her as though she were inferior, a single eyebrow raised at her audacity, before he deadpanned, "perhaps instead of placing your focus on my whereabouts, you could place it on your training. Unless of course, you're entirely ready for your trials."

When Metanoia opened her mouth to shoot a snarky comment, she found herself unable to form any witty remark. As a result, Pan demeaningly mused, "Well, are you ready?"

Once again, Metanoia found herself at a loss for words, and he shot her a condescending smirk. "Didn't think so."

He then proceeded to shove her out of his way as he stepped forward, causing Metanoia to stumble as her eyes followed him lividly to where he approached Theodore across camp.

"Why are you shaking in your place?" Finn piped up behind her, causing Metanoia to glance back at him as she accepted a breakfast plate he handed her, grudgingly.

"Why does he have to be so impossibly infuriating?" She questioned sourly, shooting him a hard glare.

Timmothy stood on her other side and curiously asked, "who, Pan?"

Metanoia pouted. "He makes me want to punch him so hard."

"Well, I hate to snap you out of your violent fantasy, but we better eat something before breakfast time's over and it's time to slave away." Finn uttered drearily beside her, causing her to snort and follow his lead to sit together with Timmothy.

In the distance, Pan was stealing discreet glances at Metanoia whenever he had the opportunity to. She had suddenly become something so much more than just an infuriating mystery; if her name was mentioned in his books from Mount Olympus, it meant that her mere existence was worth noting. He needed to know more, now more than ever.

"Theodore." Pan drawled without casting his eyes away from the girl, who was sat with Finn and Timmothy.

Theodore looked up from his plate and glanced at Pan sat beside him. "Yes, Pan?"

"Have you managed to extract any valuable information from Metanoia yet?" Pan questioned curiously, and finally diverted his gaze on his second in command.

Theodore visibly tensed, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, which did not go unnoticed by Pan, and he raised a single brow as a reaction.

"Um - no, not yet. I just don't quite think I have her full trust yet." Theodore confessed, and Pan sighed in disappointment.

"Well, you better work fast. I need that information one way or another. So, if you won't cooperate and gently get her to confess something, I'm going to have to handle this using a contrasting method ... one which involves violence." Pan smirked as he set his sight on Metanoia once again, fantasizing hurting her in so many different ways, his fingers craving to wrap themselves around her delicate neck.

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