Chapter Fifty

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"Can anyone see her?" Theodore's frantic voice echoed in Peter's ears, but he could hardly decipher a word as he himself felt as though he were drowning.

He was standing at the edge of deck, dangling the upper half of his body from the ship as he apprehensively used his magic in attempts to locate her, when she did not rise to the surface. His magic was not within the ocean's great capacity, and when his ears had finally focused, he could hear the boys' worried hollers, and the malicious laughs of Captain Hook. Peter's green eyes darkened to a vicious black, taking over the whites in his eyes, and his Olympian horns had penetrated out of his skull like the sharpest talons, and his pointy fangs emerged, ready to poison his enemy.

Growling, he turned abruptly to Captain Hook, who momentarily stopped laughing, and raised his eyebrows in intrigue.

"There he is." Killian taunted. "Your true form. An atrociously ugly creature."

Peter Pan snarled, causing the clouds up ahead to clap, earning an ominously thunderous sound. In a swift flick of his finger, the ropes tying the Lost Boys was ripped, freeing his warriors as some of them scrambled to the edge of the ship in search of the Lost Girl, while the other scrambled to the top deck to stand by Peter.

"Whatever arrogance you have claimed as a result of stealing Poseidon's powers will be short lived, Hook." Pan vowed, taking a confident step forward, while Nate, Denzel, David, and Finn, the Lost Boys who scrambled to fight with Peter's, mimicked his actions.

"Stealing?" Hook asked incredulously, offended that he'd accuse him of such a thing as he placed his single hand over his chest. "Oh no, no - I didn't steal his powers. He gave them to me, temporarily of course. Just until I get the job done."

Peter jutted his chin up in the air, before sneering, "And that job being?"

"Well, half of it is already done, isn't it?" He smirked maliciously. "Death of Metanoia, check - considering that she's being devoured by a Kraken at the moment."

Peter's face contorted in profound fury, before he stepped forward and snatched Hook's face in his vice grip, crushing his jaw.

"And the other half?" He spat in his face, and Hook winced.

"Your own death." He bit back, and Peter slammed his head against the steering wheel, before pulling his head back up using his hair.

"Get Metanoia out of the water right fucking now, Hook." Peter demanded, and although the pirate was currently held at the brink of death by a demonic olympian, he still laughed heartlessly.

"She's already gone, mate. Might be best to interest yourself in a new lady." He teased, and Peter roared, flinging Hook across the deck and sending him straight to the wooden floorboards, breaking them slightly as his back collided against them unforgivingly.

The pirate was groaning in pain, but he was still squeezing laughs in between, which only infuriated Pan further.

"You really think you could kill me with your primitive powers, when I have this?" He chuckled darkly, before summoning a tsunami of a wave towards the Jolly Roger. Peter's face paled at the sight of the murderous wave coming towards them at an alarming speed. It wouldn't kill him, but it would certainly kill his Lost Boys.

"TAKE COVER!" Pan roared, gaining everyone's attention to the wave, and their faces contorted in terror, wiping their resilience to live, and immediately admitting defeat. They quickly huddled against each other, seeking comfort in knowing that when they drown, at least they'd drown while being together.

But not on Peter Pan's watch. Exerting a frantic outburst of his magic, Peter built a dome-like shield, encasing his Lost Boys and himself so the water would not touch a single hair on their heads. Captain Hook snarled in anger, but he waved a sharp up at them, and yelled, "YOU CAN RUN ALL YOU WANT, PAN, BUT SOONER OR LATER YOUR POWERS WILL RUN OUT AGAINST THE WATER ELEMENT, AND YOU SHALL BE POWERLESS!"

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