Chapter Fifty Three

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A/N: Are you ready? Here we go, lads. It's been a wonderful journey, and I had fun riding it with all of you. 💖

WARNING: This chapter contains violence.

They stood at the peak of the highest Olympian cliff, looking over Mount Olympus, unsuspecting the wrath that would soon befall it. Metanoia numbly watched Olympian citizens go about their days obliviously, but beside her was a contrasting facial expression belonging to Peter Pan. It was different for him. Because while Metanoia still stubbornly clenched onto her remaining shred of humanity, he did not. Seeing Mount Olympus again, after all this time of him being banished in Neverland and building an empire for himself in the process, he was not numb. He was not sympathetic. He was thirsty for vengeance, for the blood of those who had wronged him to be spilled. And he'd be damned if he did not allow this to happen, for it was what kept him up on most nights, and what haunted his mind in the hours of daylight.

"The civilians do not get hurt." Metanoia reminded them all sternly, her eyes still trained down below at the families roaming the streets peacefully. "I need your word, father."

"Wha - how come you don't need Pan's word?" Ares asked hurtfully, staring at her dubiously, and Metanoia shrugged a shoulder dismissively.

"I trust him."

"Ouch." Sam mumbled, followed by Idris stating monotonously, "That's gotta hurt."

"I am your father, Metanoia." Ares hissed.

"Yes, you are." Metanoia sighed. "And that's precisely why I have a hard time trusting you knowing your war instinct nature. The civilians. will not . get . hurt."

Ares huffed, adjusting the strap of his armor angrily and spat, "Fine. You have my word."

Peter turned to look at the Lost Boys, and nodded at them firmly. "As we have discussed this. We move quietly, as undetected as possible. Don't kill anyone unless you absolutely have to. Remember, this may be a war, but the only ones we're picking a fight with are the city's ministry."

"Our problem is with Zeus, Artemis, Athena and Poseidon." Metanoia called out, her gaze narrowing at the castle which she was certain they were currently nestled in, smug and stupid.

"Right." Pan nodded, and brushed his fingers against her forearm gently. "So we don't want to fight anyone but them."

"And we try our best to keep Mount Olympus from burning down." Ares declared. "I want something to rule by the time we're done."

Pan scoffed irritably. "Right. That's why we're doing this. Not because they crushed you underwater guarded by a kraken, nor because they banished your daughter and stole her memories, and certainly not because they were in on my first love's filthy scheme against me and my banishment."

Ares rolled his eyes. "Let's just get this over with, shall we?"

"I really don't like your father." Pan hissed in Metanoia's ear, and she smirked teasingly.

"Aw, has Peter's starstruck crush on my father finally fizzled out?" She winked playfully, and Pan shot her an offended look.

"I didn't even -" But when Metanoia offered him that look, he huffed defeatedly. "Okay fine, he was my role model."


"But not anymore!"

"I believe you, love."

"Hey," Theodore nudged Nate. "In this together?"

Nate smiled sincerely at him, nodding and shoving his shoulder affectionately. "Forever."

"And ever and ever." Sam joined in, followed by Elijah throwing his shoulders around Theodore and Nate and repeating after Sam.

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