Chapter Thirty Seven

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Metanoia sat with Charlie on her left, and Elijah on her right, the three of them having breakfast quietly with Idris, Liam and Finn sat opposite them. It was an odd morning compared to the previous few days. A gentle buzz of conversation was humming around them among the Lost Boys, yet they all were too mindful not to raise their voices to show any form of excitement - all in consideration of Jacob's and Metanoia's feelings. They all lost Jeremy, but Metanoia was taking the loss a lot harder than everyone else, and Jacob was practically Jeremy's soul-twin. Jeremy being ripped away from him so brutally like so was not something Jacob felt he could ever come to terms with.

Peter had resumed everyone's duties and training once again, so although everyone felt some form of relief for busying themselves once again to distract themselves from the emotional torment they endured, they also felt as though they were betraying Jeremy by going back to their lives like he'd never existed in the first place.

Theodore and Nate were lingering in one corner, both of whom were carrying shovels and contorting their faces in disgust as they shovelled manure into large sacks for fertiliser. Nate gagged, which in turn, caused Theodore to gag too. Pan passed by them both and rolled his eyes aggressively, before snapping, "Next time, don't get your arses drunk at a time as dangerous as this."

Metanoia discreetly glanced at him as he walked out of camp, and she found herself itching to get up and go with him, wherever that may be. In fact, Metanoia felt herself quickly getting attached to the Demon King, whether she wanted to be or not. It wasn't appropriate, especially when she's well aware of the heinous crimes he'd committed, the unspeakable sins he'd done, and the fact that he was the embodiment of everything horrifying.

Oh, but he certainly didn't look the part, and it always left Metanoia aching to be near him, yearning for his unholy hands to hold her in ways she desperately craved, and for his attention to be solely focused on her. She couldn't comprehend when she'd particularly started to feel this way about him, but Metanoia saw no point in hiding this truth from herself any longer.

Peter Pan was positively alluring - he was everything she thought she stood against, but maybe that was no longer the case. She was now realising that there is a darkness inside her, slowly growing and urging to take control of her and consume her. And Pan coaxes this darkness out of her; he sees her for who she is, and it makes her feel understood. The way his blazing eyes course through her own was something so unbearably intoxicating to her, that him shifting his gaze elsewhere makes her experience withdrawal symptoms. Feeling his lips on hers ignites her skin on fire, and when he pulls away, she's plunged into the centre of an unforgiving blizzard.

"What do you reckon Pan has in store for us in training later?" Charlie wondered aloud, his eyes trailing over to Nate and Theodore bickering over who has the worst shovel.

Finn huffed and dropped his bacon onto his plate. "He'll probably terrorise us with a combat duel with no weapons. I for one, am certain that that stupid oaf right there can't wait to throw a punch at anything that moves."

He was nodding his head towards Denzel, who was sat a couple feet away with James and David. Metanoia made eye contact with David in that moment, who shot her a playful wink with a knowing smirk, and her cheeks involuntarily blushed.

Elijah nudged her side, and when she looked up at him, she immediately wished she hadn't. "What was that, hmm?" He asked cheekily as he laughed softly.

"Nothing!" She exclaimed defensively.

"What's nothing?" Sam asked nosily, before throwing himself down next to Liam on the ground and bumping his shoulder.

Liam didn't seem to mind the close proximity, and carried on eating in silence, and unbothered by the dull ache his shoulder got from the harsh bump Sam inflicted. Idris however, rolled his eyes at the frail boy, and asked drily, "Do you ever know how to keep to yourself? You really don't need to know everything."

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