Chapter Thirteen

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WARNING: This chapter has mentions of blood.

Metanoia moved with extreme caution, her eyes peeled to see as vividly as possible in the darkness of the night through the dense leaves around her. She'd constantly glance down at the compass clutched in her left hand, and proceeded to move north. She recalled the Lost Boys explaining how Pixie Hollow is at the centre point of Neverland, so surely moving North would eventually lead her to the massive tree. Tonight, she would meet the anonymous sender of her letter.

Every time she heard any movement in the distance, she'd halt her steps and hold her breath anxiously. She felt so vulnerable and exposed to predators, and she loathed it. As time had passed and almost an hour was gone, Metanoia immediately stopped at the sight of the most massive tree to ever exist on the island.

It was absolutely breathtaking.

The tree was standing sturdily, so tall that Metanoia had to crane her neck to be able to see its top. It was shimmering with gold dust, and she could faintly hear the sound of small bells coming from within it. She stood in mesmerization, too speechless to utter a word of fascination as her eyes greedily ate up the magnificent sight before her.

Peter Pan stood behind her, a couple of feet away as he inspected her suspiciously. Why had she come to Pixie Hollow? What business did she have with the fairies? Could it possibly be the case that his ally, Queen Clarion, was plotting against him by using Metanoia? He gritted his teeth angrily at the thought, and his fingers twitched achingly, desperate to grab Metanoia by the throat and fling her into the endless pit of piranhas on the far end of the island.

"Hello?" She called out softly into the cool, crisp air.

Metanoia patiently waited as she stood at the border of Pixie Hollow, her eyes searching for anyone to approach her. But as the minutes ticked by, and Metanoia's legs began to grow numb from standing too long, she started to believe that whoever it was that chose to write her that letter, wouldn't show their face tonight. Slumping her shoulders in yet another disappointment, Metanoia turned back around, causing Peter Pan to turn himself invisible, and he watched as she made her way back to camp.

Peter narrowed his eyes curiously, before gazing up ahead at Pixie Hollow again. He stepped forward, making himself visible once more, and assessed his senses. Soon enough, a sadistic smirk made itself known on his lips when his ears perked up at a sound that only he could have heard, and he taunted in a sing-song voice, "come out, come out wherever you are ... Thea."

He waited for three seconds, but no one made their presence known, and he sighed dramatically. "Well, since you won't play nice, then why should I?"

In an instant, he whipped his gaze to his left, procuring an arrow in his hand and he flung it forward. The arrow successfully hit his target, and he heard the apprentice cry out in pain and a thud sounded against the soil. Peter moved slowly towards the noise, and he scanned his hand over the soil. As he did so, the seer apprentice materialized before him, wounded in the shoulder by the arrow he struck her with, her blood spilling rapidly and staining her dress.

He grinned at his handiwork.

"There you are. I don't know about you, Thea, but I've missed you." He playfully confessed, before grabbing her by the arm harshly, causing her to release another cry of pain.

"Shhhh, now now - don't make this harder for yourself." Pan cooed mockingly when she tried to struggle against his grip, and he proceeded to drag her away from Pixie Hollow, and deeper into the scariest parts of the island.

"We're going to have some fun." He teased, and laughed in delight upon the sight of Thea's horrified face.


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