Chapter Forty Five

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Metanoia solemnly stood a few feet behind Peter Pan, who was watching Theodore and Elijah slowly lower Charlie's body into the earth with a clenched jaw and a vein protruding from his temple. The atmosphere was thick with heartache, and consistent, quiet sobs would travel through the air from The Lost Boys' lips, Idris and Liam in particular. Peter was devastated, not for the loss of a wonderful soul as everyone grieved, no. He was devastated for allowing the sliver of a chance of the merfolk harming one of his own. It was a wound to his pride, which he took very seriously.

It infuriated him beyond the basic level of comprehension humans were able to absorb. His rage was inhuman - a deadly sort which left everything trembling in its wake. Peter Pan was like a hurricane, causing a mass destruction with effortless ease. His rampage was an ungodly experience one prayed to never witness, but as everyone warily gazed upon their leader as he stood in front of them all, The Lost Boys could forecast the impending storm of doom fast approaching.

"Charlie was a free spirited Lost Boy." Peter announced, his face solemn. "He really was a person who did things his own way."

Metanoia couldn't help but smile at his comment.

"He did the most annoying things sometimes," Pan admitted, causing the Lost Boys to laugh softly, through their pain. "But in spite of that, he had the ability to touch everyone's hearts."

Metanoia's own heart clenched in excruciating pain, and her eyes traveled to his best friends, broken with their backs hunched and their heads hung low as they stifled their cries.

"His death is not in vain. We shall honour his spirit for the rest of our lives." Pan declared, before he gestured with his hands, and suddenly, everyone was slightly alarmed to find themselves clutching wooden cups from camp, filled with a strong-odor liquid. Metanoia scrunched up her face at the stench, and could tell it was alcohol.

Raising his cup in the air before his soldiers, Peter yelled, "To Charlie!"

Everyone raised their cups in unison, all chanting, "To Charlie!"

Metanoia downed the contents in her cup instantly, wishing it could be enough to distract her from her woes, but she feared she might need a lot more than three gulps to be intoxicated. She gazed down at her empty cup disdainfully, before dully staring at the back of Peter's head. Why couldn't he just fill the cup some more?

Everyone slowly began to file out of the graveyard at their own pace, after Pan set the standard mourning period of three days. Metanoia hesitantly stepped forward, discreetly glancing at Idris, who was sat on the ground beside Charlie's fresh grave, his hand resting on the soil affectionately. She gulped down the growing lump of tears at the sight of a broken soul losing his other half, before she fully turned her back on him and walked away. She wished she could comfort him, but Metanoia didn't possess the nature of empathy. She dealt with mourning in her own destructive way, and could therefore not have it in her to make him feel any better. Sighing in defeat, Metanoia opted to walk to her favourite place.


Athena threw her crystal goblet against the wall of her home in a fit of merciless rage, screaming like a banshee in the process. Just in that very moment, Zeus walked in, with Poseidon hot on his tail. In the corner of the room, Artemis stood with her arms crossed in disapproval, glaring at Athena in disgust, but letting her have her moment of childish tantrum regardless. Zeus's concerned gaze flickered towards the shattered goblet fragments on the marble floor, before focusing onto Athena.

"I take it you've heard, then?" He asked morbidly.

Athena growled lividly. "This little bitch just had to poke her nose into what doesn't concern her, and now with stupid Peter Pan on her side, they're a strong force we can no longer deny."

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