Chapter Eighteen

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"David." Metanoia hissed sharply and immediately chucked the glowing locket behind her so it would fall between her bedroom wall and her bed.

David was transfixed at the door, blinking in palpable perplexity, and uncomprehending the sight before him. He lifted a shaky finger towards her bed's headboard and astonishingly asked, "That ... thing, I've seen it before."

"What are you doing here?" She asked breathlessly, paralysed onto her bed, sitting upright, with her legs tucked underneath her.

David stepped into her room and furrowed his very bushy brows. "This locket belongs to Pan ... why are you in possession of his locket?"

Metanoia felt her blood run cold, and the nausea creeped up her throat tantalisingly. "David, look – it's not what you think it is."

"Oh, man. Does he even know you have it?" His eyes widened as he asked her this, and laughed in disbelief. "He would literally rip your head off your neck if he finds out you stole from him."

"David." Metanoia snapped, and finally stood off her bed and approached him. "I need you to not tell a soul about what you just saw."

David rolled his shoulders back as he stuck his tongue against the side of his cheek and eyed her in a way that made her skin crawl.

"What's in it for me then, hmm?" He asked softly, smirking down at her when she glared up at him as a result of his question.

"What's in it for you is I won't kick your ass, David – now I need you to promise that you won't tell anyone about this." Her tone was laced with desperate urgency, and she felt absolutely filthy for having to beg David of all people for this.

But her life was on the line, and she couldn't afford to risk getting brutally murdered by a psychotic non-human, hell-damned creature.

David reached his hand up and cupped her cheek, his thumb gently brushing her cheekbone. Metanoia itched to slap his hand off her, but she couldn't allow herself to trigger him into running straight to Pan with her biggest secret.

"Don't look so afraid, Noia. I won't tell anyone." He spoke lowly, a longing look etching onto his face the longer he gazed down at her heart-shaped lips. As soon as she noticed, Metanoia pursed her lips to conceal them from his view.

He smirked as a reaction, and jeeringly threatened, "Just know that you now owe me. And trust me, I always come to collect."

He backed away from her then, and stepped outside her door. Turning back around to regard her with a demeaning smirk, he stated, "Oh, I was here to tell you that you overslept, and everyone's waiting for you at the training clearing."

"Crap." She cursed under her breath while clenching her fists stressfully.

"Fair warning, Pan is angryyyy." He sang the last word as though it brought him an unfathomable amount of joy, and he finally shut the door.

Metanoia's heart raced rapidly, and she gulped nervously. Not only was David's reassurance not reassuring at all, but she was now indebted to him, and she loathed it. She didn't even want to consider what he might be planning for her as a debt to repay him with.

And to top it all off, she overslept like a fool, had a perplexing dream which she just knew couldn't have possibly been a dream at all, and now Pan was angry, and would give her hell for being so embarrassingly late.


Metanoia rushed breathlessly into the training clearing, bracing herself for Pan's spiteful wrath, and she knew she had it coming when she witnessed the sour scowl etched onto his frustratingly beautiful face. She hated how glorious he always looked, completely concealing how horrific he actually was. It wasn't fair.

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