Chapter Thirty Eight

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WARNING PLEASE READ: This chapter includes violence, torture and mentions of blood. Please read with caution. If this is too much for you, i'll put a warning sign [.] before and after the scene for you to skip it.

Blood curdling screams were pelted one after the other at a bone-chillingly shrill volume across Pan's division of Neverland. The sounds of desperate pleas and agonising torture reverberated through the Lost Boys' treehouses, making them constantly flinch or block their ears with their eyes squeezed shut. They were certain it was Pan's doing, and in a way, it was - but in truth, the truth no one knew, was that the captured Indian was being tortured at the hands of sweet, kind-hearted Metanoia.

The demonic, lunatic boy standing a few feet behind her, marveling at Metanoia's brutality with an impressed smile, had once again managed to infiltrate her mind and pinch it, nudge it towards doing his bidding. He'd successfully manipulated her, using taunts and hurtful jabs to trigger open Metanoia's deepest and darkest desires of a gruesome vengeance, so horrifying that it would make her victims beg for death.

His words kept repeating in her mind on a constant loop.

'He forced you to the ground so Tiger Lily could burn your flesh, Metanoia.'

'He kept you down as you struggled against him while she pushed the hot coals deep into your skin.'

'He treated Jeremy like a filthy animal, shoving him and hurting him and forcing him to the ground as he was dying.'

'He played a massive part in the murder of your close companion, Metanoia.'

'Jeremy is dead because of him.'

It was too much for her to fight against. She couldn't bare listening to Pan's manipulative mind control without her seeing red, and her nerves craving violence and payback for all the pain she'd been through. Payback to avenge Jeremy. Payback for all the Lost Boys who lost a dear brother. She was doing this for everyone's sake.

Or at least, that's what she thought. All Metanoia wanted to do was to rip that man to shreds until he was no longer identifiable. She plunged her blade further into the man's stomach, causing him to scream shrilly, the tears rolling down his cheeks profusely, and Metanoia smirked sadistically.

"Still don't feel like talking?" She asked sweetly, twisting the knife in his body and causing him to scream even louder.

"Answer me." She spat venomously, and Peter raised a single brow at her authoritative tone.

She pulled out the knife agitatedly, and Pan quickly healed the man with his magic before he could look into the light and leave his body behind to die. The man whimpered, kicking his feet against the dirt while his wrists kept chained against the sturdy bark of the tree.

"Please." The man begged hysterically. "Please. Not again. Please. Please. Please!"

Metanoia grabbed his face aggressively to force him into looking right at her unforgiving face. "Did you listen to me as I begged for Jeremy's life?"

The man sobbed, and Metanoia shot him a disgusted look. "I don't think so."

She moved back, before revealing the blade again, ready to inflict more torturous pain upon him, but he screamed out quickly.

"No! I'll tell you everything you want to know - just please - PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!"

Suddenly, Pan's hand was on Metanoia's shoulder, and in that precise moment, he dropped the manipulation from her mind, and Metanoia blinked. She was dazed for a moment as Pan shoved her back, and he took her place, talking lowly to the Indian guard. Metanoia's confused eyes traveled down to her body, and they widened in sheer horror. Her clothes were splattered with blood stains, and her hands were practically coated in them. She gasped upon noticing the knife clutched in her palm, before she dropped it immediately to the ground with a loud gasp.

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