Chapter Nine

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WARNING: This chapter contains violence and mentions of blood. It's not graphic, but if that is still sensitive for you, then please skip this description starting from the first [!] I put, to the last one I put.

Tiger Lily was crouching in her tight-spaced bamboo cage hung from a sturdy tree branch, her back pulsing with a throbbing pain from staying in this position all night. Dawn had come, and here she was, imprisoned after being treated like royalty in her own home. She huffed loudly, capturing the attention of the Lost Boy in charge of watching over her at the moment, and when Tiger Lily set her eyes on the boy, she couldn't help but smile softly, despite her unfortunate situation.

"What is it?" Idris questioned stiffly.

"My back is sore. Perhaps you could let me out for a little stretch?" She tried innocently, her eyes wide and pleading, and her smile soft and gentle.

Idris locked his jaw irritably, before he set his face forward and away from her, ignoring her request altogether. Tiger Lily sighed in defeat.

"It's so cute how she asked you instead of me." Charlie snickered beside Idris, who was stood on the other side of the cage.

Idris shot Charlie an unamused glare, but it didn't stop the jovial boy from laughing nonetheless.

"It isn't funny, you dimwit." Idris hissed, and harmlessly jabbed Charlie in the side with his wooden club.

"How could you remain to place your faith and loyalty in a demon who cares of no one but himself?" Tiger Lily interrupted their childishly playful fight with a dangerous question, and the two boys startlingly shot their heads towards her.

"I believe calling him a demon is a bit of an exaggeration." Charlie breathed incredulously, and fired an anxious glance at Idris, who revealed no emotion whatsoever.

"It is what he is." Tiger Lily shrugged.

"You know nothing, foolish girl." Idris claimed simply, waving her off and glanced forward again.

Charlie was about to do the same, but before he could, Tiger Lily snapped, "what do you call an immortal boy who heartlessly stole my father's sight in front of then entire clan, including myself and my mother?"

Idris's eyes widened as he gazed upon her hunched figure through the bamboo bars cautiously.

"Pan blinded the Indian Chief?" He asked in disbelief.

Tiger Lily nodded in grief, her eyes watering slightly as she recalled the terrifying memory.

Charlie whistled lowly in discomfort, before he shuffled his feet and said, "damn, that's cruel."

"We expect nothing less from Pan, Charlie." Idris shook his head adamantly. "Pan has valid reasons behind every action he takes. If he indeed blinded your father, Tiger Lily, then he most definitely deserved it."

Tiger Lily's eyes darkened lividly. "You are justifying a beast as cruel as he?"

"Pan is a fair leader." Idris insisted, and Charlie eyed him skeptically.

"He may be a fair leader, though I doubt it, but he is certainly a heartless monster to anyone else apart from his soldiers." Tiger Lily sniffed, crawling to the side so as to no longer look at the two boys.

Charlie was biting his lip, deep in thought, and was gazing at Idris.

"What?" Idris snapped, and Charlie simply looked away, deciding to bring it up later in the absence of the prisoner.

From a distance, the two of them spotted Liam drawing closer to them carrying a plate.

"Oh look, your breakfast's here, princess." Charlie mused, but Tiger Lily barely spared any of them a glance.

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