Chapter Thirty Two

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His breaths were a series of panicked, rapid motions as his long legs strived to swiftly transport him back to shelter, where he knew Pan would never fail to protect them. His eyes were as wide as humanly possible, darting across the landscape, before they landed on the King of Neverland, in all his glory, conversing with his second in command. He stumbled forward in a frenzied state, his anxiety emanating off him, and in the distance, Finn, Nate and Sam, who were preparing to cook dinner, spotted him before he could speak, and they instantly knew something wasn't right. Jacob was never distraught. Never.

"PAN!" Jacob yelled frantically. "PAN, HELP!"

Peter Pan ripped his focus from Theodore, and shifted it onto the panicked Lost Boy rushing towards him as though his life depended on it. "Pan - they caught - they -"

Pan was glaring at Jacob, not because he was annoyed with him, but because he could tell by the look in the boy's eyes that he'd been terrorized.

"Jacob," Pan halted the boy's speech assertively, though with a hint of very faint gentleness to ease Jacob's nerves. Peter Pan wasn't considerate of anyone's emotions, but to get the information out of the boy, he had to force him to calm down. "Slow down. Take a breath, and start over." He commanded.

Jacob blinked, before he sucked in a breath harshly, and exhaled. Once again, he parted his lips. "Pan, we've been attacked on our territory. Jeremy and Metanoia - they've - they've been hurt."

Pan's glower intensified as soon as Metanoia's name escaped Jacob's lips along with the context they've been given. Pan slammed his fists into Jacob's chest and yanked him closer to him with his grip on the fabric.

"And you just left them there to bleed out?" He hissed furiously, his tone low and dangerous, but Theodore cut in swiftly.

"Pan, he's one Lost Boy and attacked by a foreign enemy, he couldn't have possibly been able to take them both back to safety." He reasoned.

Pan's nose twitched angrily, before he let go of Jacob, and shoved him back. "Who attacked you?"

Jacob gulped harshly. "I don't know. We couldn't see - the attacker was concealed."

Pan's jaw hardened, and he could feel his patience wearing thin. "Take me to the site of the attack."

Whipping his head back, he snapped loudly, "Theodore, Nate and Elijah - you're coming with me."


The dried leaves crunched beneath his feet as his calculative eyes meticulously scanned the area with profound attention. Unbeknownst to the Lost Boys around him inspecting the area with him, Peter Pan had a magical perspective that allowed him to see the invisible energy particles exerted by living beings. He could still feel Metanoia's aura on the soil as he kneeled down to cautiously touch it, and his eyes scanned the blood-red leaves on the floor. It was hers, along with Jeremy's. He could sense Jeremy's hopelessly unconscious state, almost causing him to roll his eyes at how pathetic the boy is, but he could also feel Metanoia's fire in the pit of her stomach as she fought to stay awake and survive. He swallowed thickly, before standing back up and attempting to track her down based on her energy's aura, but before he could, Theodore called out to him.

"Pan, I think I found something." The second in command walked over to Pan, with a metallic item clutched in his hand. Nate, Jacob and Elijah halted their inspection and walked over to Pan and Theodore.

"Careful!" Pan burst out, his hand hovering mid-air as his eyes widened in realisation upon seeing what the boy was holding. "Did you touch the pointy part?"

"I - um -" Theodore spluttered.

"Did you?!" Pan yelled this time, forcing Theodore into a state of panic.

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