Chapter Forty Four

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This is a whole flood of emotions. Lol be ready.

WARNING: This chapter contains violence, torture and blood.

Being undetected by mermaids as you infiltrate their territory is near impossible to achieve, but it is possible, if you have the proper means to conceal yourself. As powerful and mighty as Peter Pan is among those who live in Neverland and in its waters, and as feared as he may be, his powers still had their limits. Pan could destroy every mortal in a heartbeat, if they were on solid ground. Underwater was a different playing field, one which was unfamiliar to Pan, and can only exert his powers for a limited time.

He is capable of murder underwater, but how long until his powers deplete? The merfolk may not be aware of his limitations, and Peter meant to keep it that way, to instill fear among them. But he was not Poseidon, and therefore had limited control over the oceans. Metanoia would most likely be the same, for she isn't a descendant of Poseidon's, though, she is Ares's daughter, the God of War, which gives her a certain level of power on a battlefield. Perhaps they had a better chance with Metanoia's presence underwater.

Peter often wondered if Ares passed down his war skills onto Metanoia, or if she was solely dependent on the power she was born with. The power of urging people to repent through changing their way of life. But Pan could tell from the moment he'd helped her unlock her powers, that Metanoia was exploiting a purifying power for vengeance. He'd seen her do so in a way so excruciatingly vile and wicked, and he adored it. As he gazed at her standing alongside Charlie and Idris, he couldn't help but do so with awe.

Metanoia really was a force to be acknowledged, and she'd proven this time and time again, long before she was aware of who she truly was.

"Ready, little Emmy?" Charlie cooed, tapping her nose gently with his forefinger, and Metanoia scrunched it up as a reflex.

"Little Emmy?" She repeated dubiously, fixing the belt wrapped around her hips where her blades were safely secured.

Charlie grinned at her, before stating obviously, "D'you like it? The boys and I have come up with a new nickname for you when you were busy getting railed by Pa-"

"What he means to say," Idris sharply cut him off and shot Charlie a warning look. "Is that we were aware of your sensitivity regarding your former nickname, so we've come up with a new one."

Metanoia, despite blushing at Charlie's outburst, felt her heart tug emotionally against her chest. She swallowed the lump growing in her throat, an indication that she was about to burst into tears, before she whispered hoarsely, "You guys mean so much to me, you know that?"

Charlie's playful expression softened with affection towards her, before he placed a hand on her forearm, and gently squeezed it. "Well then we better not die tonight, eh?" He winked, causing Metanoia to laugh slightly.

Idris smiled at the two of them quietly as he readjusted the chains to his nunchucks. "Okay, enough sappiness. Let's go make some sushi."

"Idris, you tasteless whore." Elijah's voice popped up out of nowhere, and the three of them turned to look at the boy in amusement.

"What?!" Idris snapped.

"I'd much rather have them made tempura style." Elijah shrugged, and Theodore slapped his friend's neck.

"Ouch, dude - what's wrong with you?!" Elijah rubbed his neck as he glared at Theodore, who was grinning at him cheekily.

"The back of your neck looked tempting to slap." He shrugged.

"Yeah, that's true. He has a slappable neck, you know?" Charlie observed, as Idris hummed in agreement.

"I do not have a slappable neck!" Elijah denied adamantly.

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