Chapter Eleven

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WARNING: This chapter includes mentions of blood.

It brought Pan tremendously massive glee as soon as his heartlessly callous pair of wild-green fumes of eyes landed on the sightless Indian Chief timidly awaiting the demon's presence at the mouth of the Echo Caves. He could see it in the old man's stance; he was broken - with insecure shoulders slouched, a hunch forming on his back as he stabilized his weight on a wooden cane. His face was twisted into one dipped in paranoia, distress, fear and anguish. Beside him, on either side, stood Elijah and Felix, both gripping wooden spears with a metal blade at the tip, and pointing them threateningly at the Indian Chief. Whether the old man was aware of this or not, they couldn't be certain.

This was all Pan's doing, and he thrived on it so heartlessly with a smug expression taking over his fair facial features.

"So, you've come at last." Pan commenced, taking a lazy step forward as he gazed at the blind man with no sympathy flickering on his face whatsoever.

The Indian Chief visibly stiffened his body at the sound of the monster who caused him and his tribe so much pain, so vast beyond the land of forgiveness.

"I was beginning to wonder whether you care about your pathetic daughter at all." He tilted his head at him mockingly, pouting as he did so.

"I have come to give you what you asked for. Just give me my daughter back, and never set foot into our camp again." The Indian Chief spoke with authority, his tone deceiving how he looked, and Pan couldn't deny how impressive that was.

"I admire your ferocity to protect what is yours, Indian Chief." Pan nodded sincerely at the man, and he moved closer to him, before he added, "but if you truly cared about your wellbeing along with your daughter's and your tribe, you would've handed me the seer when I politely asked for her the first time."

"What kind of leader would I be if I were to hand over the tribe's prized possession?" The man rhetorically asked.

"A wise one." Pan immediately shot back. "Look where your pride got you, Chief." He gazed at him in fake pity. "A blind man with a battered daughter."

The Indian Chief shot his head up in terror, his voice darkening as he demanded, "what have you done to Tiger Lily?"

Pan shrugged. "Nothing that she can't recover from."

The Indian Chief opened his mouth to speak, but Pan shut him up by sharply stating, "Now, the seer - where is she?"

The Indian Chief sniffed, and flared his nostrils. "My men tied the seer up to the walls of the outer layer of the Echo Caves before I came here."

Pan glanced behind him at Gabriel and Micah, and commanded, "Go get the seer."

He then shot Theodore his gaze and stated, "bring the prisoner."

Theodore nodded astutely, before gently pulling Tiger Lily out of the bushes she was magically stuck to, thanks to Pan. Tiger Lily's furious eyes landed on her father, and they immediately softened.

"Papa!" She cried, and Theodore allowed her to run off to her father when his eyes took note of Micah and Gabriel pulling out a girl from the Echo Caves.

She was breathtakingly enchanting. Her golden hair, woven into fishtail braid, shimmered underneath the sunlight that slipped through the cracks the leaves of the dense forest failed to conceal, and her amber eyes were wide and alert, unafraid, but simply curious. Her olive skin was immaculate, almost as smooth and faultless as silk, and she wore a white gown that seemed worn down with time, yet still radiated beauty and class.

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