Chapter Ten

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Metanoia could scarcely find any peace of mind all night. She was constantly thinking about everything and anything as she clutched the locket firmly, urging it to glow again, but it never did. She thought of Pan the most, his existence sparking an overwhelming curiosity within her that she wished to quench by discovering who he was. As far as she knew, Peter Pan was an ass with magic. But she knew there was far more to him than he led on, and Metanoia's desperation to figure him out was starting to become overpowering. She sighed solemnly, slumping her shoulders momentarily, before she straightened her back and breathed deeply. She held her bow and arrow steadily, her eyes trained easily on the target, all of it feeling like muscle memory now thanks to Theodore's training.

And today she was showing off her massive improvement in front of everyone in Pan's regular training sessions.

She could feel him watching her; she didn't need to turn around to notice. It was always felt by her when he was gazing at her, and Metanoia would always feel her spine stiffening and a chill would overtake her body entirely. He wasn't a reassuring person, if he was even a person to begin with, and Metanoia can't even begin to fathom just how uncomfortable Pan makes her feel.

Adamant on not making a fool out of herself, she focused entirely on the target, and allowed her hand to lock the arrow in place, before releasing it into the air. She watched as the sharp blade of the arrow sliced into the air around them, before cleanly hitting its intended target, the bullseye. Metanoia couldn't resist the smug smirk from making itself at home on her lips, and she rolled her shoulders back confidently, knowing very well that Pan was still watching her, and she could sense his evident frustration towards her. Metanoia really hadn't a clue why he hated her so much, and as much as it irritated her, at this very moment, she didn't care.

"Damn, nice shot." Theodore's playful voice sounded beside her, and she rounded on the spot to regard him, a soft smile instantly replacing her smirk when her strikingly blue eyes met his own, and he was simpering sheepishly at her.

"Who's your trainer?" He teased, causing her to laugh slightly and playfully shove him.

Theodore laughed with her, before he quietly said, "I'm sorry if I've upset you last night."

Metanoia startlingly shot her head up towards him unexpectedly. Theodore held his breath anxiously, sticking his hands in his pant pockets and rocking himself back and forth on the heels of his feet.

Peter Pan was watching them from a distance with a distasteful scowl on his face.

"I realise that I should be honest with you, considering ..." Theodore trailed off, gulping harshly as his eyes inspected her face for any sign of understanding his point, but she seemed oblivious, so he decided to discard his comment entirely.

Quickly, he rephrased himself. "We should always be honest with each other to avoid any issues, but being faithful to Pan is the most significant thing to him when it comes to being his second in command."

Metanoia blinked up at him, waiting for him to add anything to his words if he wished, and Theodore swallowed his nerves. "So when Pan asks me to not tell a soul about something, I am expected to oblige. I want to oblige, it's my duty as a loyal soldier to him."

Metanoia smiled at Theodore and nodded, before placing her hand firmly on his shoulder in reassurance. "I understand, Theo. There's no need to fret - I'm just fine."

Theodore frowned innocently. "Are you sure?"

Metanoia nodded firmly. "Yes, I'm quite certain."

She removed her hand from his shoulder, and turned back around to face her target. "All is well, Theo."

Theodore finally allowed himself to smile, feeling a powerful wave of relief wash over him as he watched her get ready to shoot another arrow successfully into the innermost ring painted on the target.

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