Chapter Twenty Three

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A/N: This is to note that my older Peter Pan fanfic, Blaze, has been republished on my profile after making some minor edits. ❤️

I believe you can already see this coming 😂👀, but:

WARNING: This chapter includes violence.

Metanoia sat with Nate under the apple tree in a fairly secluded area of camp, quietly carrying out a lighthearted conversation as they allowed the nice, cool breeze wash over them. She smiled softly, fluttering her eyes shut and breathed deeply. Nate idly observed the grass beneath them, his fingers clutching at the green blades and releasing them every few seconds.

"I must admit, Nate," she paused, giving Nate the opportunity to raise his head up to gaze at Metanoia curiously. "I'm a little wary of the final task."

Nate regarded her quietly for a few moments, before claiming, "but what is there to be wary of when you've succeeded in both trials with flying colours?"

Metanoia offered him a knowing smile. "Come now, Nate - we both know I limped my way out of these two trials with my soul barely tethered to my body. Look at all these bruises, wounds and scars scattered all over my body for proof."

Nate blinked, and slowly spoke, "Yes, but you still made it out of the trials alive and fulfilled the tasks for each one."

Metanoia turned so she was perched facing Nate directly. "Tell me honestly, were any of your trials this brutal? Killing the Never Beast, fighting off an immortal army of skeletons while running away from the voices of insanity?"

When Nate didn't respond, Metanoia knew very well what his silence meant. She smiled ruefully. "So, you can imagine why I'm not eagerly anticipating the third trial. I fear what Pan has devised for me."

"Fear is a wise emotion though, Em. If not for fear, many lives would be lost in recklessness and foolishness mistaken for bravery and courage." Nate tried to reason with her, and gently placed his hand over hers.

Looking her straight in the eyes, he stated firmly, "Whatever Pan has in store for you, your fear is what will drive you into making rational decisions in a moment of panic. You will pass, and we'll be officially welcoming you as a Lost Girl very soon."

Metanoia felt her heart warmly tug at her chest at this heartfelt moment, and she smiled shyly. "Thank you, Nate."

Nate returned her smile gently, gave her hand a little squeeze, before retracting his own away from her.

"So," He began, his tone a little playful. "What's this I'm hearing about being Theodore's girlfriend?"

Metanoia looked taken aback for a moment, and she spluttered, "Girlfriend?"

Nate eyed in observation, and cautiously said, "Well, aren't you?"

Metanoia frowned, her eyes still wide in shock, before she uttered, "I hardly think I'd classify what I have with Theodore to be an actual relationship. I don't think we're that far into it yet."

"Then I think you should make that clear to him, Em - because Theodore believes you two are an official item." Nate wiggled his eyebrows, and Metanoia couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous he looks.

"Is he going around parading our relationship to you guys?" She asked a little worriedly.

They never had the talk about where they were now and what they are for one another, and Metanoia felt it was a bit inappropriate for him to throw around the 'girlfriend' label without her knowledge and approval.

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