Mixed Signals: FFXII x Reader

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"Hello, y/n." You look up from your book to see Larsa standing beside you. The young man was holding something, and he was looking at you hopefully. "Hello, Lord Larsa. Did you need something?" You ask, turning toward the boy. 

He smiled and waved a hand. "Oh, no it is just Larsa. We are friends, you do not need to be formal." You bit back your reply of "Your troglodyte of a brother says otherwise." and instead glanced down at what Larsa was holding.

It was a half finished art project, and Larsa laughed sheepishly when he saw your face. "I am afraid I am not the most artistic person, and I decided to come to you for aid, considering I have seen the beautiful paintings you have done for the palace." You smile and stand up, stretching. "Of course, Prince Larsa. I'd be happy to help."

It was mostly true, as Larsa reminded you of your little siblings, sweet and well-read, but the last time you did something artsy in the palace (you were of Dalmascan nobility, sent to live in Archades in order to keep a very tense peace, it was basically the only thing keeping you sane) you were sure Larsa's brother nearly blew a blood vessel. Not like he's the most creative person himself, but I digress.

The boy smiled and put his project down on a table in the far corner of the library, you slowly trailing him. In the corner of your eye, you could see Larsa's bodyguard, the Judge Gabranth, following from a distance. You waved to the armored man, and he just nodded back. He knew Larsa adored you as a mentor and the two of you kept things civil.

You sat down next to Larsa as he sheepishly showed off the strange creation he had made. "I seem to have two left hands when it comes to this sort of thing." He laughed, rubbing the back of his head. You smiled and shook your head, studying the sculpture carefully. It seemed to be a dragon of sorts and you believed Larsa had done a pretty good job. "Not at all, Lord Larsa. This is quite-"

"What in the name of the Empire is going ON here?"

You nearly jumped a foot in the air at the accusation behind you. Speaking of the Diablos, there's the barbarian himself. You slowly turned around to see Larsa's older brother, the Imperial Prince Vayne, absolutely GLARING at you. The older prince had made it quite clear that he had issues with you the moment you arrived in Archades, and he made sure to elicit that whenever you even so much as entered a room with him.

You sighed quietly, trying to keep calm. "Lord Larsa came to me for help with a project, and I gave my aid. Nothing more, nothing less." He'll probably try and find a hole in that response, won't he?

Vayne did not look convinced. "Nothing more? How odd, considering I saw you skulking near the treasury earlier." He fixed his gloves, looking smug. "It seemed odd enough, and taking into mind your standoffish behavior-" You stood up, cutting the man off, and and with full knowledge that interrupting him might end with Gabranth throwing his sword at you. "If you are accusing me of something, Prince Vayne, I will have you know I hide in the west wing to get away from cretins like you!"


Even the stone faced Gabranth looked shocked, and he let you storm off, although with a pointed glare. You got out of the library before Vayne exploded, in his signature chilled way, to his concerned brother and the Judge.

The second you got back to your room, you slammed the relatively heavy door and collapsed to the ground, burying your head in your knees. You hated it here, surrounded by people you didn't know and away from your family back in Dalmasca. More than anything, you wanted to go home.

"But I can't go home. They'll destroy it if I do." You mumble to no one.

Wiping your eyes, you stood up and walked over to the desk, pulling out a letter from your mother, which basically read, among other things, that you should at least try to get to know the history of Archadia and House Solidor, even if you did hate them. You sighed and threw the letter to the side. I suppose Larsa would be happy to teach me, but he is so young. I am not even sure he knows the full history himself.

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