*Important Note*

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(Hey, so, if you're wondering why there are two DMC oneshots in the FF book, I didn't want to keep them in the Genshin book. You can ignore them if you want, and DMC is closer to FF than Genshin Impact anyway) This is the first one, Night of the Cats)

The first thing you heard after crashing that night in your hotel room was your dog chewing on a chair leg. You groaned to yourself, and set a mental reminder to discipline it later.

Then you remembered.

You didn't have a dog.

With a start, you sat up on the bed, half-expecting to see some horrific abomination ready to eat you. Locked doors couldn't exactly stop demons...or demon hunters.

You had signed the papers, you knew coming back to Redgrave City meant demons would be everywhere. Heck, one month ago, a spike-covered tree had crashed through your old house here, and completely destroyed it. Needless to say, you were used to demonic shenanigans.

What you saw instead of a bloodthirsty demon, though, made you even more confused. An enormous black panther with red eyes sat a few feet away from you, chewing on a table leg. In fact, it had completely removed the table leg from the table, and was using it like a dog would a rawhide.

You stared at the cat, unsure if you were about to become its breakfast, who looked back at you. Then it stood up and trotted over to you, dropping off the table leg and wagging its tail all the while. "I guess not." You mumbled, unsure of what to do.

The panther meowed happily, as it resumed tearing the wood to shreds, now right next to you. "That's the last time I get drunk late at night." You sighed, getting up and stretching. "Do you have an owner or something?" Then you paused. "Why the hell am I talking to a cat?"

Not surprisingly, the panther didn't respond. It just stood, scooped up the table leg, and stalked over to your phone. Then it laid down again and resumed its destruction of your furniture. "That was mahogany." You muttered, watching the cat shake the wood back and forth. "But you could probably kill me, so do what you want."

That's when your phone rang. You stood up and walked over to the panther, checking the number. "Hm. Unknown. Probably a-" The cat hissed loudly, causing you to jump. It nudged your phone toward you. "Okay, sheesh. I'll answer it. Don't be pushy."

You picked up the phone, expecting to hear nothing. "Hello-" It only took a second for your voice to be cut off by some scratchy noises on the other side.

"HOW DID YOU LOSE THE CAT? HE'S HALF YOUR DAMN SIZE!" You jumped. Whoever it was on the other line was absolutely livid and extremely loud. "He vanished when I fell asleep." There was a second voice, calmer than whoever was screaming. "OHO, SO THAT'S YOUR EXCUSE, AIN'T IT? V, HOW STUPID ARE YOU-"

You cleared your throat, causing the argument to immediately fall silent. Then, a sound like a squawk ripped through your ears, before it went quiet once again. "Hello?" You asked again, shooting a confused glance at the panther, who wagged its tail in response.

There was an awkward pause.

"Is there a large creature with you? It would bear resemblance to a black panther." It was the calmer voice, which sounded like a man a year or so younger than you. You shot a harried glare at the panther, who continued to chew on your table. "It's ruining my furniture. How did you know?"

There was another pause.

"The true method of knowledge is experiment." The man mumbled, so quietly you barely even heard him. "What did you say?" You asked, trying to ignore the panther, who was now nudging your hand with the slobber covered table leg. "You were not the first person I asked. Could you return my cat to me now?"

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