Ch 64: Anything you Want

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Evie POV

There was definitely something weird going on with Asmos.

Well weirder than usual.

When he came home tonight I offered to cook dinner which he accepted before following me into the kitchen.

He's been staring at me the entire time and it wasn't that heated stare that made me think we were gonna fuck on the kitchen counter.

It was pensive. Like he was trying to figure something out. And at the same time he seemed cautious.

It was annoying.

And weird.

The Asmos that I know likes to complain about how constantly horny I am while feeling me up pretty much every chance he gets.

Honestly I think he might kill someone if he doesn't get to dip his wick at least once a day.

That much energies gotta go somewhere. But rather than a brooding alpha about to pounce, he seemed more subdued, as if he was worried about something.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, sliding a plate in front of him, the scent of the roast I had just cut into permeating the air.

I made this man a standing rib roast with balsamic carrots and garlic potatoes and he's not even paying attention to the absolutely gorgeous cut of meat. Instead he stabbed a carrot with his fork, "Yes, I am fine, just considering a few things."

I made up my own plate before pouring us both a glass of wine I found earlier while he was at his mothers.

He took the glass but didn't take a single sip.

I took a long one as I sat across from him at the table, cutting into my own generous slice of meat. "You're quiet."

"Im always quiet, you usually fill the silence."

"No. This is different," I grumbled. "And you keep looking at me funny."

He took a bite of his own meat, pausing for a second, "this is delicious Evie."

I smiled a bit, my inner wolf practically yipping in pride. It had been a while but once I started cooking it was almost like nothing changed, I was proud of my food, "thank you. Its one of my favorite things to make."

He nodded a bit, taking up his wine glass again, "I think we need to talk."

I froze for a second, ""

He nodded, looking over me carefully.

"About what?"

"Our situation and you."

I arched a brow, "me?"


Was I going to end up throwing wine at my mate? "What about me?"

"As you probably realized from our last conversation, I am fond of you Evie. I think you're..." he trailed off for a moment, as if searching for the words, "I think you're a beautiful woman and I enjoy your company."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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