Ch 32: Bet on That

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Evie POV:

"Evangeline Hawthorn. Where have you been?"

I looked up at my father setting my purse down in the entryway to our house, "out."

"This close to the full moon?"

I sighed a bit, " that's not uncommon."

"Evie. You are of age, supposed to be looking for our packs alpha not running around with boys."

"I wasn't with a boy."

My father looked me over carefully.

It was no doubt he could smell a male on me.

"Evie...Do not think I don't hear the rumors about you."

"I know dad."

"Was it one of the boys in the pack?"

They wouldn't dare considering I'm supposed to be helping them all keep living here. "No dad."

"Where did you go?"

I walked past him into the kitchen, "out for some air."


"I wasn't." Asmos is certainly not a boy. Not in age. Not in personality, and certainly not in size. "I went dancing okay? I danced with this guy for a few hours."

He hesitated a moment, "okay then... Just, remember you have people relying on you Evie."

How could I possibly forget? "I know dad."

He walked off without another word.

I stared at the marble counter for a moment before pulling out my phone and walking to my room.

He picked up on the second ring. "Evie. Did you change your mind and decide to come back?"

I closed my eyes and flopped back onto my bed, whispering softly, "No...Asmos?"

There was a tension in his voice when he spoke next, "you sound upset."

"I'm fine."

"No you're not. Did someone hurt you? If anyone attempts to do so jab two fingers into the hollow of their neck between their collarbone. They will let go of you instantly and choke long enough for you to make your next move whether that be run or attack."

I laughed softly, "I wasn't attacked."

"You are not yourself."

"You don't know who I am."

"No. But I know you are loud and stubborn. You are quiet right now and you called me to do something other than taunt me you are un well."

"Why do you want me?" I blurted.

He was silent for a moment. "I do not know. Because you are mine."

"Im loud and stubborn."

"You are."

"Who is Mia?"

"A woman in my pack."

I gazed at my ceiling, the constellations my brother and I began painting and never got to finish there. "Is she beautiful?"

"Not particularly."


"She is smart and a good fighter."

"Do you want her?"

"I am indifferent to her."


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