Ch 26: Chill Pill

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Asmos POV:

She was still sleeping soundly when her phone went off. Again.

It had been going off almost constantly since she had drifted off.

Growing more irritated I reached into her purse on the nightstand and grabbed the stupid thing.

Her phone was encased in some ridiculous rubber pill shaped thing.

Chill pill it read.

I had obviously been fucking a woman with the mentality of a 16 year old.

Didn't matter at this point, I glared at the screen

Mel: Evie. U missed bitchy brunch. It's Saturday. We always start Saturslay with bitchy brunch.

Mel: where even are you? Your parents haven't seen you?

Mel:'s around the full moon. Damn it Eve's. I thought we went to the sex shop and got u that scary big dildo for a reason. No boys this full moon u said since u fucked whats his face that scary ass alpha.

Mel: u said he broke your vagina and u needed 2 take some time 2 get over the earthshaking fuck-a-thon. Ur words girl, not mine.

Mel: sigh. Okay whateves. Im assuming your like mid screw or something. I hope he's hot because my inner wolf is restless as hell and I live vicariously through you.

Mel: just don't forget the rules babes. Text me when ur done that u are okay and on ur way home. Otherwise I will totally worry.

Mel: he is hot tho yeah? Its obvi not one of our pack boys. People would be talkin that you were screwin someone.

Mel: better not have gotten drunk without me bitch. Lol have fun.

This person obviously endorses Evies less than welcome behavior.

She would need to go.

I considered waking up the naked woman on top of me but decided that the messages from this Mel person was less than important right now.

The raven haired girl curled more into me and the covers, soft sigh escaping her lips.

It was my phone that interrupted the silence around us this time.

I growled lowly.

she swatted my chest in her sleep.

I growled again.

Keegan, my beta, had the worst timing.

I dont want her awake yet.

I know she intends to run, but the closer to the full moon she gets the less likely her inner wolf will allow it.

So I am content to allow her to sleep away the day. Then fuck her into exhaustion again.

"What." I rumbled as I answered the device.

"Alpha. How goes the hunt? The pack is wondering when to expect your return."

I looked down at Evie, tracing my fingers over her slim shoulder. "Soon. Close after the full moon."

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