Ch 17: I Guess This Means no Phone sex?

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Evangeline POV:

The messages between Asmos and I continued for several days after the ball in the same pattern, I would send him a snap and he would rage at me.

I sent him one of me lying in bed this morning, hair covering my otherwise naked breasts.

And this time he didn't send me a text.

He called.

I sat up in bed staring at the phone in my hands. Shit. Shit shit shit!

I tapped answer and ran away to do my makeup. "Asmos, nice of you to call."

"I'm sick of these games of yours little girl."

"I'm not a little girl."

"Then stop behaving like a child and come back to me."

I paused brushing my lipstick on, glancing at my phone, "so we are going to fight? I was hoping you would want to video chat at have phone sex."

"I have zero interest in having any sort of sex with you." He growled.

"Thats a lie and you know it, besides I have a little while until anyones in the house."

He ignored that, "you left your mate and returned to your old pack, how would they react."

"Frankly its none of their business."

"I have footage of you leaving with a small blonde woman."

I grit my teeth, how could I have forgotten about security cameras...Mels in deep shit if he finds us.

"Does she know?"

"She only knows we had sex, I make a lot of mistakes she's used to it. None of this is her fault."

"She blocked the license plate and then ripped it off when she threw your bags in the trunk."

Oh my god I love Mel, "shes always thinking ahead, its one of the reasons I love her."

"She will pay for that."

"Not if you want to keep your dick she won't."


I walked over to the bed and switched to videochat, "I can't and won't be with you Asmos, I need you to give me a year."


"Why not?"

"I have waited long enough."

"This was my first ball okay? Its only been like six months since I turned 18, I haven't lived my life and I have other things to worry about. So wait longer."

"It has been nearly fifty years since I matured as a wolf so no. I will not wait longer."

"Shit your old."

"Not by our standards."

True. Our aging slows at 18 to a 7 year process equating a human year.

We live long ass lives.

"Well thats not my problem Asmos."

"And your emotional crisis isn't mine."

I huffed running a hand through my hair, "okay whatever. Im only asking one more year, after all that time it shouldn't be hard."

His gaze flickered over my bare chest. "You honestly expected me to fuck you and then let you disappear for a year?

"I never even intended on meeting you."

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