Ch 27: Food

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Evie POV:

Asmos is... strange.

He's controlling but not in the way I expected of him.

All the rumors make him sound like some brute who forces and yells his way through things.

But he's not. He just does what he feels needs to be done no questions asked.

I go to answer the door for our food, completely naked, and next thing I know his hands on mine on the doorknob and a robe is wrapped securely around me before he walks away.

When I finish arranging all the food the way I like it, he pulls me into his lap right before I can move to the seat across from him.

I let him do it, curious as to what exactly he had planned.

Which how I ended up here with the large alpha feeding me.

I looked up at him curiously, "Asmos."


"Your uh. Weirdly...attentive."

"Am I?"

I nodded, pausing as he brought a slice fruit to my lips, " now."


"Feeding me? I can eat myself."

"You took your pills with alcohol and have been sluggish since. I am just making sure nothing happens to you."

I blinked at him, "I'm not-"

"You have lost half your obnoxious personality and at least 25% of your grace while moving." He picked up a quick forkful of the duck, "you said you wanted this no?"

I smiled softly at him, "its my favorite."

"Then eat, it will help."

I took the bite savoring the warm smokey flavor, a soft moan humming through me. "I love food."

"Then you should start cooking again."

I remember laughing and dancing in my kitchen with my brother, laughing with my mother as something new, something exiting was brewing on the stove or baking in the oven.

Patty joining our little kitchen parties, throwing flour and marshmallows at my brother. Talking about baby food recipes.

And then it all just stopped. The ovens rarely on anymore.

And when it is, theres no joy.


I looked back at Asmos, "I just lost my passion for cooking."

"But not food?"

I shot him a cheeky grin, "an ass this fine deserves good food."

The corner of his lip curled up slightly as he shifted me on his lap, hand cupping my ass. "I cannot argue with that."

A disgustingly girly giggle left my lips as I made to untie my robe.

He didn't make any sort of move to stop me, instead cupping one of my tits in his hand.

Arching into him I laughed a bit, "we need to eat Asmos."

"You can finish your food, I'm looking at mine."

I shuddered a bit, ignoring the dull ache in my pussy in favor of the promise of pleasure.

"Or..." I stroked my fingers down his bare chest, "I can just eat the rest later, reheated foods never killed anyone."

His lips collided with mine as he picked me up, setting me down on the table.

"Asmos. If your planning what I think you are,  I wont have any food to reheat, its all going to topple on the floor."

"Then," he grunted, spreading my legs, "I will buy you more."

Well I couldn't argue with that.

But I would need to leave within the next four or five hours.

Soft kisses up my thighs, the feeling of his warm tongue on my skin had any protest I may have uttered dying on my lips.

My hand buried in his hair playing with the silky black strands as he traced my thighs with tongue and teeth.

My other hand snaked up my chest to toy with my nipple. "You know.." i sighed breathlessly, "you should have real food too after this."

He bit my inner thigh lightly in response.

My teeth sank into my lower lip at the slight twinge of pain, "where the fuck are the nipple clamps I asked for?"

He paused for a moment, and glanced up at me as I gazed down at him. "In my suitcase."

He actually bought them?

Fuck yes he bought them!

"Can you?..." I trailed off.

With a slight growl that seemed more pleased than aggressive he pulled away, coming back a moment later with the clamps in hand, the black chain glinting a bit in the light.

I was officially beyond soaked. Pure desire flooding through me as he pinched me with just the right amount of pressure to make both my girls fully ready.

I moaned in pleasure pain at the claps closed around me, "mhmm, is this a weighted chain?"

He tugged the chain once, causing me to gasp in need, "of course."

"Oh gods." I moaned, "I need..."

He dropped to his knees in front of me.

This time, I spread my thighs before he could.

Asmos wasted no time, gripping my thighs he skipped over the teasing.

I didn't need it.

He flicked his tongue over my throbbing clit and I griped the edge of the table.

I knew this mans sexual appetite and I really hoped that extends into oral.

The way he hooked my legs over his shoulder and pulled my hips closer I knew it would.

I wondered faintly how many orgasms he planned on tonguing me through.

I cried out softly as he lapped at me, fingers digging into my thighs as my own dug into his hair.

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