Ch 60: A Modern Woman

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Asmos POV

Evie fidgeted a bit as she placed plates in front of my mother and I, "its not much but-"

"Stop." My mother commanded, "if you talk down about yourself in any way the wolves around here will eat you alive. Especially my son."

She reached over and pinched my cheek, smile on her face and warning in her eyes.

She liked Evie already which would make things complicated if Evie and I didn't work out.

The young she wolf nodded at my mother before taking a bite out of her own meal, chicken and rice of some sort.

I had been too busy staring at her ass as she moved around my kitchen as if it were her own to pay attention to what she was cooking.

My mother kicked me a bit, taking a bite of her food, "this is very good Evie. Right son?"

I took a bite of my own food.

In truth it was actually very good. The warm, heady, flavors bursting over my tongue.

It really is a pity she rarely steps foot in a kitchenette. "Its very good Evie."

"Really? Thank you." She smiled at me, cheeks tinting pink.

"You should cook more often." I pressed, knowing how her eyes lit up when she spoke of it.

Her smile turned just a bit brighter, "well the kitchens so nice it would be a shame bot to use it."

My mother was watching the two of us carefully. Something she does when she over thinks things or senses something is off. "Well, I don't know about you two but I think we should all head to that cute little coffee shop that opened in central square a few months back. That way you can see more of the pack Evie." Mother shot me a side eyed glare, "since my son seemed to think his bedroom was enough of a tour."

Evie nearly choked on her food, obviously nowhere near used to my mothers blunt personality. "Well... he did have me observe the training session this morning."

"Ohh." The silver haired woman nodded, "my son was showing off and trying to get laid." Her sharp blue eyes turned to me, "that's childish honey."

I rolled my eyes as Evie laughed a bit, "actually I may have been out to distract him."

"Ohh." My mother cackled, "good on you Evangeline."

I wrapped an arm around Evies waist as she walked around the island to us, practically pulling her into my lap. "And we don't have time for coffee with you mother."

Evie pouted, playing with the ends of her blue scarf, "but...I wanted to get to know Mali better."

My mother grinned triumphantly.

I sighed a bit as Evie wiggled out of my arms, "I'll get my purse."

My mother arched a brow at me as the raven haired girl sashayed away.

As if she were saying you make your mate pay for her own shit?

"Theres no stopping her mother. I just get to the check first."

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