Ch 58: A Game

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Evie POV:

After the mishap was cleared up as Asmos said, I followed him through training a little while.

Watched his warriors.

Then he joined in the training, sparing with several of the wolves.

Thats when my mouth went dry and my pussy grew wetter by the second.

the ripple of his muscles and the sheen of sweat forming on his back.

Watching that man toss other powerful wolves around like fucking dolls was one of the sexiest things I have ever seen.

I just wanted him to pick me up, toss me on the bed and fuck me senseless.

But... he clearly had other things in mind when He approached me again, "I can show you some of the nearest stores you may be interested in since morning training is through."

"Shops..?" I echoed watching his abdominals shift slightly with his breath.

"Yes. Like your hair salon and a coffee shop and-"

I stepped closer to him, our bodies nearly touching, knowing full well my desire would flood his senses.

His pupils dilated and I smiled, "or... we can go back to your house and have a little fun."

Asmos' gaze trailed over me, "you should get to know the pack grounds."

I hummed a bit, "you don't know if you're keeping me... and I think getting to know all the grounds of their alpha would do some good."

He didn't say anything.

"Im not wearing panties."

Asmos didn't hesitate a moment longer. He practically dragged me back to his house, lifting me into his arms as he threw open the door, slamming it shut with his foot as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

I moaned into his mouth, "fuck you're so sexy when your throwing people around like rag dolls."

He growled low in his throat, causing shivers to run through my body. "You cannot be such a distraction Evie. I have a pack to run."

"I didn't get fucked last night." I growled back.

"I wasn't the one too tired to sink you on my cock."

I kissed him hard, fingers burying in his hair as he pressed me against the wall, "well I'm wide awake now baby."

Looking more than a little ravenous he trailed kisses down my neck, ripping my shirt open to grant him better access.

I moaned softly as he took a nipple into his mouth, knowing exactly what I like and when to make it hurt a little, "Asmos," I whined, "I need..."

He pulled down my shorts without further prompting, fingers finding my wet folds a moment later.

My moans grew louder as he played me like an instrument, coaxing differed levels of pleasure from my body.

I nearly screamed, eyes rolling back when he refused to let up pressure on my clit during my first orgasm.

I was about to demand he put his cock to good use when another voice rang out, "Alpha are you home my mother is no- ohmygods!"

We both paused, looking over.

I scowled at the girl from earlier.

He barely even spared her a second glance, gaze flickering over me"out."

She squeaked a bit, picking up her handbag and darting from the house.

I laughed lightly, "oh my gods her face. Poor girl was mortified- oh!"

The man sank to his knees, my legs over his shoulders.

Okay, its not dick but...

His tongue traced my seam causing my to shiver in pleasure.

But he's so good at this.


"Asmos..!" I panted, "no more...I can't.."

Slowly as if actually annoyed by my protest he removed his tongue from me.

I smiled down at him, "this is good baby, really good but I need that feeling of utter fullness."

He growled a bit, the sound of his clothing rustling cutting through our heavy breathing.

His fingers gripped me as he adjusted me.

The slowly teasingly and agonizingly slowly, he sank his cock into me.

My eyes practically rolled back as inch by inch filled me to my absolute limit, "fuck Asmos..." I panted, "your hung like a goddamn horse and I love it."

He looked faintly amusing, growling his words softly in my ear, "if you were a good girl from the start then you would have gotten it so much more by now..." he thrust as if to emphasize his point, "something to keep in mind."

I scowled at him for a moment before gasping as he cut our talk and set a pace, fucking me into the wall.

My toes curled as I wrapped my legs around him, nails digging into his skin, each stroke of his cock causing me to mewl.

Each grind against my clit wringing a moan from me.

Each flick of his tongue over my skin making me shiver.

The mixture of pleasure and the discomfort of the wall against my back became a whirlwind of sensations, one that I couldn't take for long.

I knew it.

He knew it.

And he had no intention of prolonging my pleasure. That much was obvious by the way he fucked harder as my body tensed in orgasm.

It was unusual for him to do such normally making me beg for it to stop, to let my orgasm end.

He had something planned.

I licked my lips as the pleasure subsided, deciding a game of my own as I untangled from him, "hey Asmos?" I asked breathlessly.

"Yes little one?" He rumbled back quietly, fingers stroking the soft strands of my hair.

I pulled away, grin on my face, "bye. Good luck with the woody."

I darted away from him, starting up the stairs before he responded.

He gave chase.

I grew even more aroused, knowing exactly what would happen when he inevitably caught me.

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