Ch 46: A Fuck ton of Bodily Fluids

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Evie POV:

I couldn't believe that Asmos, the most domineering alpha I know is actually letting me on top for a split second.

Much less long enough to orgasm twice on his tongue.

And fuck is it an amazing tongue.

This man should just fuckin eat me for breakfast daily.

And I bet he would if his grip on my thighs says anything at all.

"Yes...yes...yes." I chanted as he flicked his tongue over my clit repeatedly.

I came for a third time tugging at his hair.

Asmos gave me one last languid lick before pushing me off him.

I nearly laughed at the gesture, "finished?"

He licked his lips, eyeing me as if he was seriously considering putting his head between my thighs again, "for now."

Leaning over I kissed him deeply, our tongues tangling.

I have never been too fond of the taste of myself, plenty if men have kissed me after giving me head and it always turned me off just a little.

But on this mans lips? It did nothing but make me wetter. I would probably even be willing to suck him clean after sex.

Not something I have ever remotely wanted. Ever. But here I am knowing I just might and finding it hotter by the second. "You know.." I began, "your little slut can go for hours."

"I know you can." He rumble, voice thick with arousal. "But I want you beneath me."

I pouted a bit, "wont you let me just bounce on your di-"

"Next time I'm inclined to allow you on top, we will sink you on my cock." He muttered obviously a bit amused, "happy?"

I grinned, stroking my own thighs, eyes trailing down his body, "mhhm." They landed on his rigid cock, still trapped in his sweats, "I still haven't gotten to taste you never let me."

His fingers trailed down my spine, "treats are for good girls Evie. Tell me, have you been a good little slut for me?"

Thighs clenching I shook my head, " But I haven't been that bad.."

He arched a dark brow, "is that so? Do you want me to go down the list in ways you were bad."

I blushed, "no..."

He gently nudged me so I was lying down before spreading my legs, "I could eat you every day for every meal."

I moaned softly, very much liking the idea as I felt the press of his cock against my core.

This wasn't the brutal intensity I have grown to associate with Asmos.

This was slow, languid even.

My brow furrowed in a mix of pleasure and confusion, "A-Asmos..."

He growled lowly, gaze meeting mine as he fucked me slowly, "not all pleasure is quick little one." He murmured, "it has occurred to me that there are many types of pleasure you have not experienced."

I mewled like a damn kitten under him as his hand snaked down my body, fingers stroking my clit. "I-I'm not sure...oh that shouldn't feel so nice.."

I felt his lips at my neck, featherlight teasing touches that made pleasure and anticipation zip down my spine, "I may be one man of many, but I will be the one to show you every pleasure your body can handle."

"Gods yes." I breathlessly whined. One of many my ass...

He groaned softly as I dug my nails in his back, hips grinding against mine, "no matter what happens." He growled, "my name will forever be stained on your lips."

I wrapped my legs around him, wanting more.

Wanting to tell him he already was.

Asmos was permanently tattooed on my memory, his touch a burning trail over my skin.

Our eyes locked as my climax snuck up on me.

As it turns out, I'm just as receptive to slow sensuality as I am a rough pounding.

Lashes fluttering closed, I looked away.

Asmos' fingers clutched at my jaw, forcing my chin back to him, "No.." he growled out, "you look at me when you come Evie. You want your pleasure you show it to me."

Whimpering I did as I was told, staring into his smokey sapphire eyes as I came apart.

Weirdly enough all I could think about was how good he felt and how fuckin gorgeous he is.

As my toes uncurled I ran my fingers down his cheek, "thank you."

He ever so slightly leaned into my touch, "for?"

"Making me come." I grinned, "not just killing everyone? I don't really know honestly. Just thanks."

He hummed a bit, "I am not through with you yet. Legs over my shoulders beautiful. Lets see how many times I can make you cream over my cock."

I did as I was told panting, "Not slowly I hope.."

"Not every time." He grunted giving the a hard thrust I was craving.

Yes. Fuck yes. "Oh..gods Asmos I love the way you fuck me."

He didn't reply, instead picking up the pace as he thrust into me.

It wasn't the slow detailed attentive sex he had just given me. This time was about him.

I could feel it in every stroke of his cock and grind of his hips.

So I clung to him, thrusting back and mewling in a way I suspected he liked, a lot.

I submitted to him. Carnally, and in the moment mentally.

Being his was easy, pleasurable, and in the moment stress free.

Tomorrow was gonna suck.

But tonight...tonight was going to just be me and Asmos and a fuck ton of bodily fluids.

Ew. That shouldn't be so hot to me.

But it was.

It really was.

Arching my back I ran my tongue over his neck, tugging at his earlobe with my teeth, "please Asmos...harder."

That was all it took to unleash my alpha.

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