Ch 55: Almost

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Evie POV

I gasped at the ticket in my hand, "California? Your pack is in California?!"

Asmos glanced at me over his shoulder from where he was checking in my suitcases a short distance away, having sent my boxes in the mail for some of his pack members to retrieve in a few days.

I was practically bouncing when he returned, "can you see the ocean from where you live?"

"No. It is in the mountains Evie, remember our discussion?"

I pouted, "just because its away from civilization doesn't mean theres no ocean."

"There are cliffs not too far away where you can see the ocean."

I grinned following him through the airport, "can I learn to surf?"

"There isn't a beach." He rumbled as he handed the tsa woman his human id and boarding pass at security.

I pouted again, doing the same.

It wasn't until we were waiting at the gate, that I looked over at him, "so... we haven't talked about what happened at my pack."

"No. We haven't."

"We just, you know, fucked in the car again."

An older woman passing by shot me scathing look.

If I didn't know any better I would think I saw Asmos smirk a bit. "We can discuss it when we are back at my home. Not around so many people."

Right. Not around so many humans. "I have only flown a few times."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. I don't really like it much it just feels wrong you know?"

He stood as we began boarding, walking to the counter and handing the woman his boarding pass.

I followed quietly, nose wrinkling at the idea of the tiny seats and stale air.

But he stopped at the second row, gesturing for me to go in.

I blinked at him before glancing at my ticket.

First class.

A little shocked, I sat by the window looking at all the fancy buttons and opening the blanket they put in the seat, "I haven't ever flown first class before," I chimed with a grin as he put my bag in the overhead bin.

It literally wasn't even five seconds after he sat before a flight attendant asked us what we wanted to drink.

I frowned when Asmos ordered himself a rum and coke and me a coke.

A sad plain coke.

As if feeling my glower he leaned in, whispering softly, "human laws Evie, you cannot legally drink."

I sighed, grumbling, "I know. Its been a long day and I just wanted to relax with a cocktail."

He didn't say anything but when the flight attendant gave us our drinks, he switched them as soon as her back was turned, "I had assumed so."

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