Ch 44: Painkiller

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Evie POV:

I peered up at the large man who currently held me in his arms.

After dinner he went to work on some laptop and I rented a movie, sitting next to him in bed.

It wasn't until I started getting ready for bed that he said anything.

Apparently sleeping naked wasn't an option.

But I didn't bring any pajamas.

So his ass reached into my little suitcase and pulled out a pair of panties, the skimpiest ones I brought, and handed them to me before pulling a button up flannel -kind of like the one I stole- out of the dresser and telling me to put it on.

So here I was in bed with him.

Wearing his shirt that smelled like him.

In his arms, pressed against all that muscle and tan skin.

Not. Having. Sex.

I don't think I have ever gone to bed with a man just to sleep.

It was...strange.

So...even though he was out like a light I just couldn't help lookin at him. I certainly couldn't sleep.

I was restless, unsure.

He's being weird. This is weird.

I know he wants me because the man was hard as fuck.

Unless he's not hard for you. The nagging thought sank into my brain making my wolf side howl.

As if sensing my sudden change in mood Asmos stirred, blue eyes cracking open, "what is it that caused such tension in you?"

I scowled at him, "are you not fucking me because your thinking about whats-her-cunt?"

"Whats..her..cunt?" He repeated slowly.

"Yeah that one bitch you want as alpha female."

He arched a dark brow, pulling me atop his chest, "are you feeling insecure little one?"

"No." I growled, "but you are in bed with me, and were clearly hard. Still are-"

"Its not exactly something that fades when you start bitching at me."

"You haven't even tried to touch me!"

"I do not always need to fuck you when I have you in bed with me."

I scowled, "I have never been in bed with a man who hasn't-"

"I am going to stop you right there Evie. I am not between your thighs because as arousing as I find you, I am not going to be your new fix. You self medicate with sex instead of coping, as much as fucking you through the night appeals to me, you need to learn that men are not only for you to numb your pain. That you are more than a sexual object."

I just sort of gaped at him, "thats your plan? Fix me by refusing to fuck me?"

"More or less at the moment." He brushed a stray lock of hair behind my ear, "or at least until you admit you do such."

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