Ch 35: Lying Little Girl

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Asmos POV

Evie has been sending me videos of her fucking herself for hours.

That woman has more toys that I have ever seen in one woman's possession.

Over the past three hours I have seen her cum countlessly over a screen.

It was somehow calming my inner wolf.

Especially when those breathy moans turn into her panting my name.

I wanted to be there fuckin the hell out of her.

I was still going to hunt her down and take her back to my pack.

But marking her now when I am unsure if I even want her as my mate would be a mistake.

To see her, alone, thinking of me in her bed would have to be enough for now.

After a few videos my inner wolf receding to the back of my mind, content knowing that while Evie isn't fully mine, she's certainly no one else's.

Also, there was a certain level of fascination with how creative she got with her sex toys.

I nearly lost it and called her after i watched her run her perfect pink little tongue over one before slipping it inside herself.

I stopped watching the videos, put my phone on silent, and went back to my nearly destroyed punching bag after that.

I was staying in one of many secret cabins I have set up through the county and every time I glanced at the bed in the far corner, I pictured Evie tied to it, screaming my name as she came around my cock.

I gave in several minutes after glancing at that damn bed again and sent her a quick message without looking at any of the other videos she's sent. Do you have any rope?

Yes, somewhere in the house...why?

Ever done breast bondage? I about to?


There was no reply for at least 15 minutes before the notification she was typing appeared. Got it. I googled how to tie it too.

Good girl. Send me a picture when your done,

Yes sir~

I could practically hear her giggle at the last line.

Little minx

Although obviously she was quick with her hands because she sent me a video moments later, nipples still clamped and a length of red rope tied around her chest in varying twists and loops. Her cheeks were flushed and pupils dilated, her thighs glistening with her own desire. "I don't know if I did it right...Gods Asmos this feels...mhm..why haven't we done this? I didn't know you were so kinky.."

It was a simple binding but rather well done for someones first time, I would have tightened it in places but for now it would work. The image of her black hair cascading over her shoulders and that deep red rope against her skin forever burned into my memory.

I was impossibly hard.

Another video, "fuck I want you to tie me up like this and let me suck you off..." she dipped a hand into her sex, hips rocking, "I want you so bad Asmos.."

I called her before I could give it another thought. The sun had fallen hours ago, the moon was at its highest point. My control was long past gone.

She picked up on the first ring, moaning out my name, "Asmos..."

"Where are you Evie?"

"Home..." she panted, "alone in my bed aching for you."

I growled lowly, "where is home?"

"Asmos" she moaned out, "I cant."

"Im in the woods west of the Hudson pack, how far from them are you?" I pressed.


"How. Far."

She whimpered, "please."

I growled, "Tell me Evie and I can give you your little fantasy, I'll bind you even tighter and put you on your knees."

"N-north east of the Hudson pack..."

My brain quickly went through all the packs north east of the Hudson pack.

There were only two. The Adler pack and the Hawthorn pack. "Adler Or Hawthorn Evie?"

She whimpered, "Asmos Don't..."

I ignored her plea, "Adler Or Hawthorn Evie."

"No Asmos...I don't want this...I don't want to be taken from my home."

"You hate your home."

"I can't leave my pack."

"You can," I growled, "you will."


I cut her off, "I expect an answer now Evie." I practically snarled.

"A-Adler!" She simpered out past a moan.

I took a deep breath calming my inner wolf, "good girl."

"Asmos...please.." she whimpered more in need than a plea.

"When I see you I'll make good on my promise Evie, and then I'll sink my cock in you and fuck you harder than you can yourself."

She cried out in orgasm. "Gods yes fuck Asmos I want you inside me."

"The full moon will be over soon Evie, ill see you then."

I hung up and leaned back against the wall.

Adler pack... that settles it then.

She belongs to the Hawthorn pack, the lying little girl.

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