Ch 30: Lets Not Pretend

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Asmos POV:

I woke with a splitting headache and no Evie beside me.

The room still smelled of our sex and yet she was gone.

I wasn't even surprised.

Pissed the fuck off on the other hand, my wolf and I were both certainly pissed off.

With a snarl I launched the empty glass on the beside across the room, shattering it into a thousand tiny pieces. "DAMN IT!"

She fucking drugged me. She's smarter than she looks.

As I sat up further a small crinkle emanated beside me.

A small slip of paper.

Another fucking note?

Growling to myself I picked it up, reading the scrawl on it. 

I'm sorry Asmos.
But I have my priorities.
The escape from reality was fun, dick was even more so.
10/10 babe.
See you whenever,

Still angry I dressed swiftly, not bothering to to put on more than a pair of pants and storm out of the room. "WHERE THE FUCK DID SHE GO?"

All doors in the hall opened, my newly acquired pack members looking me over with shock.

I have never in my life been this disheveled in front of others. "The dark haired woman in the trench coat and stilettos. Shes sneaky but shes far from quiet." I growled lowly, "so WHERE IS SHE?!"

A younger looking woman cleared her throat shakily, "d-did she steal something alpha?"

"Did you see her?"

She nodded, "she walked out of your room about an hour ago.."

"And you let her?!"

"S-she did not seem like she was p-panicked and in a hurry... I... we thought she was uh..." the woman bit her lip, "someone you may sleep with from time to time..."

I approached her slowly, "there is something you must all learn in my pack. No one does anything without my approval and she did not have it."

The girl gulped, "a-apologies Alpha,"

"I wasn't done with her." Slowly I gripped her hair, "and you just let her run off."

He eyes grew heavy with desire, "S-sorry."

I scoffed, "your not sorry. You are hoping I will tell you to take her place."

She blushed.

"Make a mistake like that again and you all die."

I walked to the elevator, "I have a she wolf to hunt down. Someone get that fucking room cleaned up."

Pulling out my phone I called her.

She answered on the second ring, "three aspirin and tons of water will help the headache."

"You left again."

She was silent for a long moment, "I had to."

I snarled through the line as I walked across the lobby, "bullshit. Tell me where you are Evie now!"

"No. Damn it Asmos don't be so stubborn. I will come back to you on my own time."

I scoffed, picking up her scent on the boy at reception as I walked by. "Evie. How did you get into my room?"

"I became a flasher."

"You fucking didn't."

"Well plan A wasn't working and it helped me make sure my lingerie and body were sexy as hell for you. I could smell his lust even as I left."

"You showed him what is mine?!"

"Funny thing about girls like me Asmos." She said bitterly, "everyones seen it."

"Not anymore Evie."

"Asmos. Lets not pretend you, strategist that you are is going to just sweep me off my feet and give me power in your pack as alpha female."

"You don't know anything E-"

"Who is Mia?"

The line was silent, "so you heard my phone call."

"Only a bit. But enough. Who the fuck is Mia?!"

"Thats none of your damn business."

"Like fuck it isn't! You cant be jealous as shit and then talk about another woman and expect me not to ask!" She growled.

"i can if you constantly leave!" I growled back.

"Are you fucking her?"

"In the past I have."

The sound she made was purely animalistic, "Do you think of her when your screwing me?"

Fuck this woman is bat shit crazy, "No Evie. I do not."

She was still growling. "The what the fuck was her name doing on your lips while you were naked next to me."

I continued following her scent through the parking lot and down the road, "honestly Evie. This is insane. ComI back and we will talk this out."

"Your saying that through a growl Asmos Im calling bullshit."

I snarled into the line, "damn right its bullshit! You come to my hotel fuck me like the horny little slut you are and then run off again! I swear to fucking gods Evie when I find you, you are never leaving my fucking pack. Hell my god damn house!"

"Thats not how to win a woman's love Asmos."

"I don't want your love Evie and you don't want mine so lets stop pretending that we have any semblance of a normal mating couple."

"Fine your right lets be honest. I don't want your love. Thats mot possible, people don't love whores and whores love so many people they cant love anything." she huffed, "I may have been coming back for the sex babe but you are no better I don't see you rejecting my advances. You are more than happy to toss me around like a fuckdoll."

"Its the only way you fucking communicate. If you actually had a real conversation that wouldn't be a problem. Its how you deal with shit.

She growled lowly, "fuck you Asmos."

I scoffed stopping at the train stations where her scent lead, "what train did you take Evie?"

She hung up.

There can't be many trains coming and going through here.

She isn't very smart after all.

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