Ch 7: Wish

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Evangeline POV:

"So. I took the liberty of picking out some dresses for you for the Lunar Ball since you have spent four days on your ass doing nothing to prepare."

I glanced up from my phone to see Melody glaring down at me, "I picked out a lipstick shade."

Her eyes narrowed, "Purple?"




"Dear god please dont tell me its the green one."

"It matches my green plaid mini skirt. And no."

She looked relieved, "oh thank gods no weird colors! One of those pretty reds you have?"


Her brows furrowed, "...I know you dont have pink...nude?"


Melody pursed her lips looking down at me confused.

I shoved my hand into my pocket and pulled out my new liquid lipstick, "oil-slick black."

"No Evie! No! No shiny black lips! Thats thats-"

"So me?"

"Well..." she started, "yes. But Evie, its a ball. Like our own little fairytale for a night! Are you still upset about the Lelantos pack? All we have to do is ignore them and we can be royalty for one night."

I rolled my eyes at her daydreaming, "I'm not worried about them. And I am treating it like a fairytale. Every ball has an evil queen crashing it right?"

She paused, frowning, "you're not evil Evie."

"Whatever you get the point. And thats the look I want dark mistress bitch."

"Alrighty then."

"You can be my delicate angel bestie."

She laughed a bit, tugging on my foot, "awesome, but seriously Eves, we need to get you out of your gloomy as fuck room."

"My rooms not gloomy."

"You turned a skull into a vase."

I glanced at Henry my head vase, "he's pretty he's got lavender for hair."

"You found a human head in the woods and instead of alerting the authorities you kept it and turned it into a vase."

I sighed heavily, "no. I found a human head, tracked down the body, called the authorities about that watched the news found out he was a creepy rapist then decided not to return the head. Didn't know what to do with it so..."

"You turned into a vase?"

"Okay maybe its a little morbid but I like bones."

"You made me earrings out of carved  fox bones for my last birthday."

"And you wear them all the time."

"Girl you turned bones into hearts with my name carved into it. Of course they are my favorite." She grinned at me, "plus I love foxes."

"And I promise it was dead when I found it."

She tugged my foot again slowly pulling me off the bed, "now come onnnn. Lets go swimming in the lake."

I just stared at her, not even breaking eye contact when she pulled me right off my bed and onto the floor with a loud thump. "Meh."


"Fineeee. I could use some topless tanning time."

"You don't like tanning."

"But you do. And I like being topless."

She grinned at me, "so true! Ill grab your umbrella so you don't get too tan, you change and grab the towels."

"Im wearing a very unclassy thong bikini bottom."

"And I'm sure all the male wolves there will love you all the more for it. Its so rare we see anyone naked outside of shifting and before and after shift we are so preoccupied we like don't even notice."

"Mmhm. Lets just not tell my dad."

"Like I would ever tell Alpha Hawthorn."

"You're the best. When I become first female alpha you should totally be my beta."

"Yeah right. Besides, I'll be in my mates pack."

"True." I sighed. "I'll just have to take over his pack."

She giggled as I started to strip, "That would be interesting."

"Everything I do is interesting."

"True. Please tell me you are going to cover up for the walk to the lake."

"Wasn't planning on it but sure."

She was quiet for a long moment, packing our things for the lake. "Hey Evie?"

I pulled off my pants fishing for my swimsuits, "yeah?"

"Sometimes..." she sighed, "can we not have this conversation with you buck ass naked?"

I pulled on my skimpy bikini bottoms, "better?"

"Much." She nodded, "sometimes...I hope that maybe this year I don't find my mate."

I paused, turned, and looked at her, "what? Mel, you have dreamed about your mate for as long as I can remember."

"Well...yeah. But Evie having him means all of this stops. I cant just barge in on you in your bedroom and demand you half naked tan with me anymore."

"Cant shower with me anymore either."

She laughed, "totally gonna miss that the most."

"As you should."

"But seriously, sometimes I hope he's not there...just so I can have one more year with you."

I pulled the blond too me into a hug, "well. I hope you find him and its everything you ever wanted, get a waterproof case and we can still shower together via FaceTime."

She laughed a little bit.

It was her I'm totally gonna cry laugh "Mel..."

"I dont even care how close your tits are to my face right now, I love you Evie. And I promise even if I find him. I will never stop being your best friend."

I ran a hand through her hair, "of course, I'll always be your favorite twisted bitch. And you're always gonna be my favorite princess."

"Im not a princess."

"You're mine until some stupid wolf makes you his. Let me have this moment."

She laughed, "put on a coverup and lets go, the longer I stay smooshed against your perfect tits the worse I feel about my itty bitty titties."

"I love your itty bitty's."

"You're only saying that because it makes it easier for me to fit into small spaces when we are up to no good."

"Very true. Plus it fights the power of the big boobed blonde."

"Ah. Makes perfect sense."

"Good." I smacked her ass, "lets go."

"Put some clothes on!"

I groaned, "finnnneee."

I waited until she left the room to look around.

Sometimes. I wish the same thing Mel.

But at the end of the day, shes more important than any of my stupid whims.

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