Ch 3: Absolutely Everything

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Evangeline POV:

I leafed through magazines with Melody.

She had color coded tabs for us both to place on pictures of dresses for one another.

She gets pink for like and light blue for love

I get purple for don't hate and red for really don't hate.

So far shes tabbed more pages for both of us than I have even looked at. She grinned down at the pages of her own, "I totally want a ballgown or an A-line."

"I want a dress so tight I cant move or so revealing anyone who sees me forgets to move their feet."

She looked at me for a long moment, "no cocktail dresses."

I removed several of the purple tabs, "fine."

"And your not open to something more flowy?"


Pouting she removed nearly all her red ones. "They were all your colors but whatever."

I smiled. "Are we ordering these or trying them on somewhere?"

"Your dad said we could buy 5 of our faves online each and just send back what we don't like." She grinned mischievously, "thats why we are gonna get the cool dresses most stores don't carry because bitches are too basic."

Alrighty then. "Also. It needs to be easy to get off. Mama needs to be able to comfort some lucky fuck in the bathroom."

He stopped looking through her magazine, "okay ew! Evie thats so nasty."

"Sex is only good when its nasty."

She rolled her eyes but resumed what she was doing, "I heard the list of packs attending is going to arrive soon."

Every pack attending got a list of other packs attending. We all also got special color coded name tags to know what pack the person we were talking to comes from.

Helps to keep wolves from fighting with rivaling packs to just avoid them altogether. "Ill let you know who's attending as soon as dads done drilling the names of all the unmated alphas and betas and important people in my head. He wants me to be sure to say hello to all the alphas there on his behalf and check everyone else to see if they are my mate first."

"...wont you just feel the alphas energy first so you know to be respectful?"

"Not from across a giant ass ballroom."

"Oh okay. Well I'll go with you to make sure you don't decide to have sex with one of them at the end of the night. That would just be bad politics."

I snapped my fingers and pointed to her, "you are the best. Also make sure if I'm drunk-"

"Wont let you call them useless chauvinistic douchebags with wolf balls in the place of brains."

"Love you. Who needs a mate when best friends and one night stands exit?"

"I hear the sex is better with a deep emotional connection and mates provide that."

I rolled my eyes, "thats what virgins say to convince themselves that their sex with their mate couldn't possibly be better with another person."

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