Ch 62: This Moment

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Evie POV

I felt Amos' heartbeat in his chest as we lounged on the couch.




It was comforting, the scent of him, the feel of his body against mine mixed with the sound of his heart.

Closing my eyes I burrowed closer to him and slipped my hand under his shirt.


My fingers traced his abdominals lightly.


"Evie." He said in warning, "I left my work alone because you seemed upset and specifically asked."

I snuggled closer, "I'm just cuddling you."

He scoffed, "you do not stop at cuddling."

True. "You have such little faith."

"If you are feeling better I should return to my duties."

I pressed my hand to his chest in a futile attempt to force him back as he started to rise.

He arched a brow, perched on his elbows as if asking me really you think that will stop me?

"You comfort me." I murmured, "I just want to be close right now."

Slowly he laid back again.

I resumed my previous position, breathing him in, "this is so fucked up." I murmured.

"What is?"

"My comfort from you."

"It is biology, we are mates, of course you find comfort in my touch." He rumbled, curlinf some of my hair around his fingers.

"But we are not normal Asmos." I took in a shaky breath before admitting quietly, "I'm not even sure if I should make myself at home or not, just incase you decide I'm not good enough."

He was quiet for a moment, "it is not a matter of being good enough Evangeline, its a matter of suitability for my pack."

I chose to ignore that, "Everett used to make fun of my hair. When we were kids."

His hands stopped toying with the curls, even his heartbeat slowed in anticipation with his breath.

"I mean..." I continued, "no one in my family has more than waves, so it was funny to him as as a kid. But it was only allowed to be funny to him. No one else."


"He once punched another little boy for making fun of me, even though he always called me things like mop top and curly fries."

"Curly fries?" He asked in slight confusion.

"'Cuz I was so thin."

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