Ch 61: A Mercy Killing

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Evie POV

I took in the Absolutely packed coffee shop, the strong scent of freshly ground beans and fresh baked pastries floating through my senses.

It was absolutely adorable, the decor woodsy yet modern. Although it would be nicer if everyone hadn't stopped and stared the moment we entered.

I moved to stand in the frankly insane line when Asmos' mother pulled me back and strutted right to the front, Asmos our ever present shadow.

The girl at the register beamed at us, "Alpha. Elder Maliforus what can we get you and your... guest?"

"What do you want Evie?" Mali asked.

I glanced at the menu on the wall above her, belatedly noticing the barista behind register girl eyeing Asmos, chewing her lip.

I scowled. My wolf not liking her eyefucking him.

So I did the worst thing I could possibly think of doing to a barista on the planet earth, "yeah. Ill take a large double shot mocha latte with one pump raspberry, three pumps toffee, blended slightly with like a scoop and a half of ice, two pumps caramel, extra whip cream with caramel and chocolate drizzle."

I beamed at the two women as they stared at me in shock.

Mali hummed next to me, "oh that sounds fun! Ill take one of those too."

I grinned a bit, jerking my thumb back at Asmos, "he'll have a large cold brew."

The cashier nodded, ringing us up.

Asmos reached over me with a 20 in his hand before I could even open my purse, his other hand finding my waist as he murmured in ear, "you and mother go have a seat."

I nodded, Mali leadings me to a conveniently empty table I had a feeling she cleared out with just a look.

"So should I always skip the line?" I joked.

She laughed a bit, "only when its busy. It helps to be important to Asmodeus."

I shrugged a bit as Asmos approached, balancing our three coffees.

Placing them on the table he took the seat next to me, taking the chance to once again murmur in my ear, "I have never known you to drink coffee with so much bullshit."

I bit my lip, "you barely know me."

"I'm learning your jealous."

"Im learning your secretly a pot calling the kettle black."

"Im learning I'm going to have adorable yet stubborn as hell grand babies." His mother chimed, "son stop trying to get her back in bed and drink your coffee."

"Mother." He sighed, "would it kill you to be a little more-"

"Yes. Unlike you," she raised her voice a bit so everyone could hear, "I happen to adore your mate son."

My jaw dropped as suddenly all the chatter in the shop stopped.

Asmos closed his eyes as I gaped at his mother.

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