Ch 31: East

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Evie POV:

It started pouring rain halfway through the train ride home, eventually turning into a full blown thunder storm.

It reminded me strangely of Asmos. Destructive, dangerous, yet alluring.

My wolf side was furious that I left again.

My human side never wants to see him again.

It has nothing to do with that woman he talked about, not really.

But it has everything to do with the information I told him.

Asmos Lelantos is now the only person alive outside of my pack who knows my brother is dead.

He noticed that I take my pills with Vodka.

I don't know why I told him bits of my life.

Maybe it was the booze.

Or the pills.

Or the sex high.

Gods he's amazing in bed. My only regret about my experience was that I didn't get to suck him off.

I have never been too fond of blowjobs, never hated them either.

But he makes me want to lick every inch of him and then some.

He also makes me want to run for the hills.

He's strangely kind to me, in a dominant way.

The man listened to me when no one in years has. Asmos made it seem like for even a moment, I had a choice in life.

Although I know even he wont give me one.

In his mind I am supposed to stay by his side like it or not.

Maybe in another life. If I was different. If I didn't know what he has done in life.

I could spend all day romanticizing Asmos Lelantos but the reality is he's hunting me down and he's already slaughtered at least one pack trying to get to me.

He's not in his right mind.

That would never be a healthy relationship.

It wouldn't even matter if my brother was still alive.

Asmos has fucked me better than anyone. But a man like that cant love anyone, not really.

Even if I was free, he wouldn't be right.

Either way I would be caged.

My phone buzzed in my lap.

Peering at the screen I sighed a bit.

I won't hurt you Evie. Come back.


I could practically see the tick in his jaw. Evie.


Stop running. Come back with me return now and I will not even ask what pack you are from.

Liar. I didn't respond.

Another buzz, If you do not. I will have to hunt you down.

Another. Everyone around you will find nothing but trouble.

Another. I always get what I want.

Give it up Asmos.


I don't want this. Any of it.

Then what do you want?

I ignored the last one again.

Im coming for you Evie.

I scoffed. Good luck.

I know what train you took.


Northbound 10pm. See you soon Evie.

He thinks.

Good luck.

It was his turn to be silent.


She bought a northbound 10pm ticket and then another ticket east for 10:15pm.

She went east. There were no other wolf packs further north from here.

But plenty east.

I was going to hunt Evie down and drag her by her hair to my pack.

She can try seduction all she wants, she can come all over my cock but shes not leaving again.

She's running out of places to go. She's going to hit a dead end soon.

Coming back to me if she wanted to avoid being found was stupid.

But as close to the full moon as we were her wolf couldn't help it.

Wet and needy, not even mated and practically in heat.

If I find her before the moon I'll likely fuck her again. Roughly over whatever surface I see first.

My wolf couldn't seem to help it either.

The woman hates being dominated yet she loves every moment. Resistant at first only to beg in the end. It drove my wolf half mad.

Her nails down my back and the passion she shows in bed drives my human half mad.

She's driving me nuts.

Mated to me or not she's destroying my focus.

I just need to drag her back to my pack and decide what to do with her then.

Evie is turning me into a fool and it needs to end.


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