Ch 14: lycan_liar

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Evangeline POV:

I couldn't get that damned dress on by myself.

So...I opened the wardrobe and stole one of his shirts.

A very rustic black flannel that fell about mid thigh.

Not what I expected from the fancy room and expensive tux but it was soft and worked just fine for my purposes.

I paused by the bed, smiling a bit at his sleeping form, then i picked up my shoes and my purse heading into the bathroom.

Pulling out my liquid lipstick I opted to write him a little note on the mirror.

He was fun. But I knew the score.

I don't want a mate, certainly not one like him. One night of mind blowing sex wont change that.

I left the room picking up my gown on the way out.

It was almost like I was never there at all.


And almost isn't good enough for me. It was 5 am but who knows when the fuck he's gonna wake up and notice I'm gone.

With all his 'when we are mated' crap I knew I need out of this hotel and out of this town ASAP.

So. When the elevator doors closed behind me, I called Melody.

She picked up on the third ring, sounding utterly tired, "Evie? Thank gods you are okay, where are y-"

"I made a huge mistake."

There was silence for a long stretch of time, "what did you do?"

"I'll explain on the road just put everything in our bags I'll meet you by the car, we have to go now."

"Okay...I'll be down in five."

I sighed out in relief, "Mel did you..."

"No. I didn't find him."

She sounded sad, it shot a pang through my heart, "I'm sorry."

"We can talk about it after you get out of trouble."



With another deep breath I hung up the phone and darted through the nearly empty lobby into the parking lot.


Asmos POV:

I woke to a cold bed. Which was odd considering I had just spent the night with a feisty young she wolf in it.

The room still smelled of her, rainwater and wildflowers.

I thought perhaps she was in the shower or the tub but there was no sound of water in the room at all, everything was silent.

Her things were gone.

She could have just gone to get her things.

She was eager enough to jump in bed with me I could see her being eager to leave and do so again.

Standing from the bed I walked into the bathroom and utterly froze when I saw a message written in what looked like her black lipstick on the mirror.

That was an AWESOME night. Thanks a ton Asmos but like I totally had to bounce.
I'll probably never see you again which is a pity because the sex was amazing and your really fucking hot. But hey, hit me up on snapchat sometime, I may need some masturbation material...although last night is probably gonna be my go to fantasy from now on. My username is lycan_liar.
Xoxo -your little mate.

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