Ch 38: Forget

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Evie POV:

I feel like I should be more afraid.

I just locked myself in an abandoned cabin with a seething alpha known to be merciless a deadly.

...yet all I could think about was that his full name Asmodeus and that he somehow didn't just start killing people.

My inner wolf was calm for the first time in days as his icy gaze traveled my body, "your father is an alpha."

I nodded once, sensing the tension in his tone.

"It appears...." he started, "making good on killing those who kept you from me, intentionally or not will ruin this pack."

The panic I had expected started to well in my chest, "Asmos-"

He pushed me up against the wall, body pressing firmly against me, growling softly in my ear, "how unfortunate for them."

My eyes fluttered closed as he kissed his way down my neck, biting the junction between it and my shoulder softly, "d-don't do this Asmos, please."

His lips caressed my own in barely a whisper, "give me one good reason why I shouldn't. Why shouldn't I punish you and your pack for making me hunt down what is rightfully mine?"

"You don't even know if you want me."

"That is irrelevant."

Our gazes collided, "I was just scared. Of being mated, my future, you."

His blue eyes searched my face for a moment, "that is a lie and we both known it. We knew it the moment you showed up at my hotel room. You never had to leave me a way to contact you Evie." His hand cupped the back of my neck, "you never had to come and find me. Or even answer your phone. You may not have wanted to be mated to me but you certainly are not afraid of me. I would go as far as saying you even like me."

"Thats the mate bond." I bit out.

"Mate bods force attraction the initial good feeling towards one another is because we know that means they are ours. Not all mated pairs like one another, Evie. Even if they are together have children, sometimes the moon goddess Luna makes mistakes."

I looked away, "am I a mistake then?"

"For someone who doesn't give a damn you sure seem to care a lot."

My gaze shot back to him in a glare, "I-"

"How many siblings do you have."

I got very quiet very quickly, regretting telling Asmos about Everett.

"Your father told me your brother was out of town."

"He is." I muttered, finding it hard to look him in the eye.

Suddenly I was forced to, fingers tight around my chin, "why do you get upset at the mention of him? You had two brothers once then, Everett and?"


Asmos POV:

The woman practically coiled in on herself when her brothers name passed me lips.

I grit my teeth, not exactly wanting to confirm my suspicions in a way that would make the fiery girl shrink back so quickly but not exactly having a choice with her stubborn ass, "Ever-"

"Stop." She practically whimpered out, "please don't say his name Asmos I can't..." her eyes pooled with tears, "I cant hear it. Not here."

I took in the little details of the cabin for the first time.

A few children's drawings on the walls, rain-ruined polaroids, what looked to be like a long destroyed game console and bean bag chairs torn open and tattered. "You only have one brother don't you Evie?"

She nodded, a single tear falling from her lashes and rolling down her pale cheek.

"And he's dead."

She physically flinched at my words.

Perhaps my tone.

"Your father still pretends he lives in the face of others."

More tears, "he and patty and the baby happily ever after." She sniffled, "the Hawthorn line long and prosperous."

I didn't need to ask who Patty was as I wiped them away. Wolves were careful to only have children with one other wolf. "How did they die?"

It was that question I think that broke her, that wiped all her every present fire from her eyes and unmasked the very damaged girl beneath. Her tears fell faster than I could rid her cheeks of them, "I don't want to talk about this anymore. we are supposed to talk about you leaving my pack alone."

This was exactly what we needed to talk about because I knew everything wrong with Evie lead back to her family. Her brother.

And if it didn't, none of this ever would have been a problem. I would never have had to chase her down like this. "Everett is exactly what-"

she cut me off, fist slamming into my chest, "don't" she choked out, "this was our place Asmos don't make me talk about him here I can't."

If I thought she shattered before, having her fall into my arms sobbing was an entirely new definition of destroyed.

The death of her brother brutally decimated the girl before me.

I doubted it was just here.

I doubted she could talk about him at all.

When we first walked in here I had every intention of interrogating Evie, getting her pack out of my way, and dragging her back to my pack.

Buy that was the Evie who did nothing but talk back and try and either seduce me or trick me.

I didn't know this broken girl.

And it was sending my inner wolf into a panic trying to figure out just how fragile its mate was.

I wanted to press for more answers despite her tears.

But every time I even thought to, my wolf would snarl at me in the back of my mind.

So I did the one thing I knew would distract her.

I pulled her impossible closer and kissed her roughly.

She responded immediately, wrapping her arms around my neck, fingers entwining in my hair. Trying to forget. "Asmos.."she murmured again my lips, "I..."

I didn't hesitate in sliding my hand beneath her short top, feeling every inch of available skin.

Her tears stopped and her desperation grew.

She knew exactly what she was doing.

I suspected she has since her brother died.

Evangeline Hawthorn would do anything to just forget.

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