Ch 50: A sea of Bitterness

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Evie POV:

I gaped at Mel as Asmos stared her down.

She did not just pull that magic bravery out of her ass.

Asmos Lelantos is the wrong man to go on a sudden bravery kick In front of.

He looked like he was about to snap Melody in half.

Something she belatedly realized, "uhm..."

Asmos' gaze slid to me.

He was questioning what would happen if he ripped her in half.

We all knew it.

The real question is does he care?

Probably not, "Mel can be easily excited. Shes kidding."

Mels sour look told us she was in fact not kidding.

Therefore, Asmos was still tense.

Every muscle in his body was coiled, his temper likely only held back by the fact that killing her would make his life with me more difficult.

Honestly I would find the barely concealed rage kinda hot on him, the tension in his jaw and shoulders absolutely lickable and kissable.

But... all the barely contained rage was aimed at my best friend right now so I'm not allowed to be horny.

Melody, having realized the shithole she just dug was visibly shaken although not backing down.

Something Asmos obviously wasn't a fan of. "You..." he growled, "do realize that it will be Evie who suffers from your actions, correct."

Melody's eyes grew wide, gaze shooting to me.

I was staring at Asmos trying to decipher exactly what that meant.

He's punished me before.

It was good.

Really good.

"And it will be very unpleasant." He added.

He's lying. He has to be. Right?

Mel didn't seem sure.

I sure as hell was starting to lose faith in my immunity from his wrath.

The only one of us that seemed sure was Asmos.

Probably because he is going to kill us both. I thought moodily.

"She's your mate." Mel murmured, voice wavering.

"Hurting her will hurt you more than any physical damage ever would."

That was true.

For both of us.

Melody backed off a bit, eyes darting between Asmos and I, "Evie?"

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