Ch 5: Awesome

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A/N: dress in question later in the chapter~

Evangeline POV:

Mel was always late for everything.


She was just one of those people who couldn't be on time if it would save her life.

So naturally when I was ready to go out 15 minutes early I needed to find something to do until she texted me.

I picked what I always did.

I curled up with my brothers old blanket and stared at that picture I took of him and patty when he first got back from the lunar ball with her.

He had been so happy to find her. They were building a house together for their family. A few weeks in she got pregnant. Everyone was just incredibly happy.

Everett had that effect on people, his smile could light up an entire town. He was beyond kind and everything I ever aspired to be.

Patricia was perfect for him, she was sweet, funny, and ridiculously smart. She didn't even mind helping 14 year old me with my math homework when I was sure she had better things to do.

I was glad to have her in the family.

Glad my brother had her.

I was going to be an auntie.

Id even already started knitting a baby blanket for them.

A project I dropped the day they died.

I gripped the blanket harder. They didn't even die for some good reason.

There was no war, there was major issue they needed to check out. There was no real reason they were on patrol together. Patricia was pregnant she shouldn't have been on patrol at all.

But she was because they hated being away from one another. Their stupid mate bond made it impossible to think logically when it came to their other half. It always does.

If we didn't have it we would be better off.

Everett and Patricia didn't need some mystical bond to be right for one another.

All it did was get them killed.

It happens all the time. A wolf fights with another pack and their mates there. All they can think about is their mate, they worry and worry and worry and then they get their throat ripped out because they aren't focused and their mate gets murdered too.

To be that doesn't seem like a dream to me. Its a nightmare.

Might as well spare some poor sap of that by rejecting him. He gets to live, I get to keep my pack and fight to run it. Its stupid women cant run packs. They may not have alpha command but when a pack respects you, its enough. And unless my mate was an alphas son he wouldn't either, and even if he was its still a maybe.

They just want me mated because thats how things are done and they don't think a girl can run things.

Who do you think keeps the shit show my family has become running?

Moms always depressed and barely speaks anymore.

Dad's always trying to fix mom and occasionally forgets parts of his alpha duties because he's so worried about his mate.

Daughters a drunken whore who picks up the pieces before they have been on the ground to long. I practically live by the five second rule.

We're a mess.

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