Ch 59: Mama Mali

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Evie POV:

I squealed loudly as Asmos caught me as I reached the top of the stairs.

Laughter bursting from my lips as he swung me up into his arms with a growl.

I kissed whatever skin was available to me as he carried me to the bedroom, tossing me onto the bed.

I rolled onto my hands and knees, glancing over my shoulder ashe prowled onto the bed, "you didn't even pretend to let me get away."

"With a view that fucking good it's hardly a shock." He growled back, pulling me back toward him by the hips.

I moaned softly rubbing against his arousal. "Asmos.."

His hand came down on my ass, "and you were so sweetly submissive when I brought you in here."

"I just watched you throw men around like toys, fucked me against the wall, and then literally picked me up like I weighed as much as damn pillow. Submission seems like a pleasurable decision at the moment."

He chuckled, "and you love it."

I just hummed not quite willing to admit that out loud.

I did moan out loud when he slowly sank his cock into me.

Slowly I moved down onto my elbows, shivering softly at the full feeling only Asmos can really give me, "I wasn't expecting slow." I gasped softly.

"Which is why I'm doing this. You didn't want slow."

I growled softly, pushing back against him. "damn it. Fuck me!"

Chuckling a bit, Asmos, gripped me harder, giving me the hard thrusts I wanted.


My hair was a rats nest, my body slick with sweat, and the room smelled like sex.

Asmos lie next to me, my head on his chest as he puffed away on one of his cigars.

I cuddled into him, sighing softly, "that was..."

I could practically feel his smirk, "mind blowing?"

Laughing a bit I nodded, "although its not anything new, you're always mind altering."

His fingers traced my bare skin as I lounged on his chest, "I need to return to my duties soon little one."

"Is there time for one more round?"

"No." He replied, clearly amused, "if you keep fucking like this Evie you're going to break."

"I will not!" I protested.

"Evangeline, you were practically in a sex coma after your last orgasm."


Still, I sulked a little. Disliking the refusal despite knowing he was right. "Fineeee, but that thing you did with my nipples-"

"Ill be sure to remember you liked it."

"Loved it." I cupped his jaw, turning his head towards me and kissing him.

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