Ch 39: Maybe

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Evie POV:

I really shouldn't be doing this where my brother and I used to sneak off to to play video games and eat junk my mother didn't allow.

It was tainted with my rage after my brothers death.

I needed one good memory here.

And Asmos feels so damm good.

I struggled with the buttons on his shirt as he palmed my breasts. I wanted to feel him, every bit of him.

I moaned softly as he unbuttoned my jeans, unzipping the black denim, growling softly, "you shouldn't wear pants're a much too sexual creature for such a restraint."

I tossed my head back in a soft moan exposing my neck as he hand slipped into the band of my jeans, "I wasn't looking to get fucked today Asmos..I wasn't expecting you."

"Always..." He murmured against my neck, "expect me to catch you Evangeline."

I wanted to ask exactly what he meant by that.

I didn't. "Don't call me that."

"It is your name."

"Im never good news." I grumbled a bit.

"Hmmm." He jerked my jeans down growing impatient, "you are a pain in the ass." A nip to my neck, "but you certainly know how to be good."

I couldn't help my small laugh as he rid us both of our shirts.

I reached for his own jeans, making quick work of the belt. "Before we lose ourselves to mindless fuckery Asmos. Can you answer a question of mine?"

"Hm?" He grunted.

"Am I going to be fucking the murderer of my family and pack?"

He slid my panties down, ignoring my question for a moment as i kicked both them and my jeans away, "maybe."

I closed my eyes as he wrapped one of my legs around his waist, letting me feel his more than impressive erection. "Maybe?"

"I have not decided yet. There is more to the story than I originally thought."

"So you might not kill everyone?"


It might be a bit twisted but that was all I needed to hear to fell okay about fucking him.

I slid my hand into his boxers, "I missed you." I admitted softly.

"The full moon tends to have that effect on mates." He growled out in pleasure before taking my hand away and fully dropping his clothes as well.

I cupped his face in my hands as I felt him press against my entrance. "No Asmos. I missed you."

He searched my face and I didn't bother looking away, I didn't try to hide the vulnerable honesty in my eyes.

Talking to Melody had forced me to look at what has been happening with different eyes. Had forced me to be honest with myself.

Did I think I wanted to spend forever with Asmos Lelantos? Not really.

But I did miss him. The steady strength that radiated off his very being and his to the point personality.

I wonder if he could see all of that in one look because he stopped for a moment and kissed my forehead with more tenderness than I thought he was capable of, "I missed you too little one."

I smiled a bit before gasping in pleasure.

To the point indeed, the man wasn't one to stop and talk when instead we could be fucking.

I like that about him the most.

I laughed out a moan as he rolled his hips against mine, "fuck, your always so damn big.."

Teeth scrapped my neck as his hands gripped my thighs.

He started slower than usual, likely because of the moment before and when I had broken down.

But it wasn't long before he was pounding into me, my back scraping against the wooden wall. "Yes..yes, yes!" I moaned out nails raking down his back, "mmhm, gods you feel so good."

I came almost embarrassingly fast, toes curling as I tried to hold back my screams.

Last thing I needed was some patrolling wolf  to catch me creaming all over The Lelantos packs Alpha's cock.

Asmos didn't care as much obviously by the sound of his growling grunts.

He was honestly the most animalistic man I have ever been with and I love it. I love knowing I can be as loud and demanding as I wanted.

I don't have to curb my desires.

I pulled him closer and kissed him deeply, wanting to stay in this moment. To keep the pleasure he brings.


My legs felt like jello and Asmos was still hard...

And yet he pulled away from me. "What.."

"You have come enough. Are you feeling better?"

...feeling better? I looked up at him hoping to figure out what the hell he was talking about only to get his back as he redressed. "Feeling better?"

He shot me a sideways look, handing me my clothes, "yes."

"I mean I'm not going to blow up or anything...what does that have to do with anything?"

He scoffed a bit, "it is your coping mechanism Evie, do not tell me you never realized you use pleasure as an escape."

I dressed in stun silenced before ruffling my hair, "is that such a bad thing to want a little pleasure?"

He didn't say anything, opening the door and stepping outside.

I followed, "is it?"

"You cannot even have a normal conversation, I would say it is."

I shot him an incredulous look, "your mad at me. For fucking you?"

"I am a man Evie not some teenage boy who will do whatever necessary to get between a pretty girls thighs." His gaze was sharp, "I don't have time for childish games or to use my body to coddle you that will be the first and last time I allow you to use me as a distraction, understood?" He started back down the path, "I believe you are supposed to give me a tour before we return. Try and make it quick."

My face flaming I followed him, no one had ever said anything like that to me. "I wasn't trying to use you Asmos."

He just hummed.

I kept my gaze on  the ground, feeling for the first time in a long time insanely guilty about sex.

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