Ch 53: Heartfelt Goodbyes

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Evie POV:

My father took one step forward.

Asmos matched him, growl rumbling through his chest. "Her bags. She is my mate, I gave you a chance to change your fate. Evangeline is not your pawn Hawthorn."

"She is my daughter." He snarled back.

"And she owes you nothing. It is not the job of a child to take responsibility for their parents." Asmos took another menacing step, "you chose to have children. a son. He died. A daughter. It is not her responsibility to replace him."

"Her pack-"

"Is mine. As my mate she belongs to my pack. You're job as her father was to raise her and protect her. To nurture her until she found her mate. Not to dictate who that person may be not to force her into a responsibility that should never have been hers. And it certainly wasn't to ignore her obvious cries for help in favor of your own ego!"

I reached out and gripped Asmos' hand utterly shocked, "Asmos...just let it go."

"Evie. I will not let it go."

"you said we were just going to say a quick goodbye get my stuff and go."

His response was gruff, "that was before your father decided to be a total piece of shit."

Several growls radiated through the wolves.

They were drowned out by Asmos, "if any of you would like to challenge me, be my guest, your packs doomed anyways."

I tugged the angry mans arm, "seriously?! Thanks but please stop being a testosterone fueled caveman." I glanced at my dad, "wheres mom?"

My fathers cold eyes met my own, "she doesn't want to see you Evangeline. Not after you betrayed her and your brother as you did."

My grip on Asmos grew slack, my throat going dry, "but..."

But I probably won't ever see her again.

My voice was small, "doesn't she want to say goodbye?"

"She has informed me there is no reason to say goodbye to you. You are no longer her daughter."

I had promised myself I wouldn't cry. Not over this. Not in front of my old pack.

But a treacherous tear escaped anyways.

I could feel the warmth of Asmos body as he pulled me to him.

He was saying something to my father. But I was numb.

I barely even registered when he led me up the porch, through the house, and into my own room.

It was barren save for a few boxes.

Even my bed was gone. "Where did my bed go?"

Asmos lifted two of the boxes, looking over at me with those piercing blue eyes, "Evie. You don't need it at my pack."

"Right..." I murmured as Melody slipped into the room and picked up another box.

There were just a duffle bag and two suitcases left. I grabbed them slowly.

"Evie?" She asked, "are you okay?"

"I think so. I didn't expect hugs and heartfelt goodbyes. But... I just..." I trailed off. Lower lip quivering.

There was a solid thump and then I was in Asmos' arms again, the woodsy smell of him filling my senses.

I wanted to be alone with him.

I wanted to lose myself in his body.

I wanted to stop thinking and just feel him beneath my fingertips.

"Is there anyone else who can take some of this?"

"Uhm my brother?" Melody replied, "he offered to help if we needed it but-"

"Get him." The dark haired man replied, taking the duffle bag from me and leaning down to whisper in mg ear, "keep your head high Evie and do not let them see you cry. You and I are going back to the car."


"You look like you are going to crumble little one. You can come back after you take a moment if you want but I know you will regret it if they see you break."

"They dont deserve the pleasure." I growled.

"No they don- where are you going?"

I stomped over to my window and threw it open, glaring down at the gathering below, "FUCK ALL OF YOU YOU SELF RIGHTEOUS PEICES OF SHIT!"

"Oh no..." I distantly heard Melody murmured.

Asmos asked her what the problem was, just as I picked up the suitcase and threw it out the window.

Someone called me a slut.


The she wolf snarled.

"Three days before you two found out you were mates."

Melody swore, "Evie. Don't!"

"I the same bed he currently fucks you in." I grinned viciously, "you ever notice the hole we fucked into the wall with the headboard?"

That was it.

All hell broke loose as she flung a rock, and I realized I could easily climb out the window and take her to the ground without any harm to myself.

If they wanted stay for the show of my departure...

Half of them could do so unconscious.

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