Ch 47: Purr

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Asmos POV:

Evie was curled into my side, red tipped obsidian hair splashed across the pillows.

That little girl is beyond flexible with stamina that nearly matched my own. And shes a very active lover.

Having her around 24/7 is going to be distracting as hell.

She stretched in her sleep, small hand finding its way to my groin while she let out a low purr.

I closed my eyes slowly, letting the soft rumble wash over me.

It was rare very rare but some mates were known to purr at one another.

All alphas did, any others that did so as well had to have the blood of an alpha at one point in their family line.

Hers was soft with a slight crackle, sort of like a kittens.

A sweet contradiction to her normally fiery nature.

My inner wolf started to stir in the back of my mind.

A slow rumbling purr escaped my own throat, deeper than hers yet mixing well with her own.

I could feel tiny smile slip onto the unconscious girls face as she snuggled into my chest.

I knew that Evies human side wasn't a cuddler. I must have worn her out to the point where her wolf half was in control.

Clearly her wolf was more than delighted to be near me.

Possessive. And just as lustful as her human half if the hand on my cock was any indicator.

No wonder she was able to go wild with all those men before. I mused, her wolf is just as much as a little slut as her human side.

Sometimes when our wolf halves take over they don't shift. Usually when our human halves are still in our conscious mind.

We are nothing more than instinctual when that happens.

So we rarely if ever let it.

It appears though that Evie was exhausted both physically and mentally enough for her wolf to take the drivers seat.

I was in the middle of debating waking up the wolf minded Evie and taking this new version when her 'chill pill' phone buzzed on the nigh stand on her side.

Who the fuck is texting her this early? The sun hasn't even risen.

My purr cut off abruptly as it buzzed again. Annoyed I reached over Evie and gripped her phone, scanning the texts;

Mel: Eves omg I just learned u left with ur tall hot deadly alpha! Firstly, get it girl! I hope he's not TOO mad at u. I mean he is ur mate. And u have amazing tits how could he possibly stay mad deadly as hell or not. When u come back tomorrow we will have goodbye mimosas probably filled with my tears. PROMISE me we will still meet up for brunch sometimes? And find out how Alpha Lelantos feels about visitors!! Ik ur gonna be far af but like I'll fly 2 u girl. Wait. Since we r besties do I need to call him that or can I call him Asmos 2? Would he be mad if I did? Alpha Lelantos is a lot 2 say. So happy 4 u, don't feel bad about leaving the pack. Be happy girl. U deserve it!!

Mel: sorry for the second text! Ik ur probably asleep or having epic sex. But like words spread about Alpha Lelantos being here and uhm...a rumor about u 2 being a thing I guess. Bet one of the dumb haters started something. Just be warned ur gonna have a hugggeee audience. I got ur back (as always).

I scowled at the texts before turning the phone to Evies face and unlocking it; the warning will be passed onto Evie when she awakens. We will also discuss vists when she has settled into my pack. I do not care about an audience. You may not call me Asmos.

Mel: oh. Hi...Alpha Lelantos! I'm sorry about tht uhhh like now I'm feeling awkward about the comments in my first text. No disrespect I promise Evie and I are just super close. And young and stupid... does Evie know ur on her phone?

Mel: not that she has anything to hide! Or I think you shouldn't be! Its totally cool but she can get territorial really fast as I am sure you will find out if you haveny already...

I arched a brow at the text; she is unaware. Territorial?

Mel: yupppp. When we were kids she socked her brother in the face over the toy in the cereal box. ur the toy now. Any other girl you so much as look at is gonna get angry Evie. She's terrifying when she's mad.

Mel: not that ur a toy or anything!! Ima shut up now. Uh good night Alpha Lelantos. And congratulations on finding your mate! I may be bias but Evies the best.

This girl rambles too much.

I clicked the phone off and returned it to the nightstand.

Evie stirred a bit, "hmmm? Whata doin'?" She grumbled sleepily.

"Your friend Mel texted you. I took care of it."

"No touch my phone." She yawned out.

"Too late." I deadpanned, "she was simply informing you we may have a larger audience tomorrow and congregated me."

"You talked to her? Audience?"

"Yes. Sleep Evie."

"Why is my hand on your junk."

"You put it there and started to purr in your sleep."

Her face turned beet red, "purr?! Oh my god thats so embarrassing."

I hummed, "go back to sleep."

"I purred..." she murmured.

"Ur closely related to an alpha it is not too surprising."



She burrowed into the pillows, huffing, "can't."

Rolling my eyes a bit I pulled her back to me.


I cut her off, starting a low purr for her.

She stared at me wide eyed for a moment before slowly the sound lulled her back to sleep.

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