Ch 23: I Was Too Busy Being Plowed by a Lunatic

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Evangeline POV:

He wasted no time picking me up and tossing me onto the bed when I apparently didn't comply fast enough.

I tried my best to bite back my girly squeal when I hit the bed bouncing, "ASMOS! My tits! Fuck this bra isn't exactly built for support and incase you haven't noticed I have sensitive tits! Shit thats like being braless on a trampoline!"

He glared at me, those alarmingly dangerous eyes of his growing darker, "its not my fault your tits are bigger than the average she wolf and it is certainly not my fault you chose to wear this." He reached down and pinched my lace covered nipple hard, giving me a little twist that I liked a little too much, "to attempt to seduce your way out of trouble without considering that I am not a forgiving man."

"Maybe I don't want forgiveness." I panted, arching my chest as he took his hand from me.

Those eyes narrowed to slits.

"I fucking freshly waxed my puss for this. You're totally naked I can see your aroused. Do what you need to do to punish me or whatever and then shove that thing so far up my snatch I see stars."

We stared at one another for a long moment, the alpha visibly irritated that I was ordering him around, "you are truly a little slut you know that right?"

Yes. I thought to myself. "But I'm your little slut Asmos." At least for tonight.

I didn't need to check to know I just made that man so hard it hurt. "Yes.." he growled, gripping my waist and flipping me onto my stomach before pulling me up and positioning me on my hands and knees, "you are. Stay."

I frowned but didn't move.

My goal in all of this was dick.

But still, "I told you I don't fuck like this, I'm not some omega toy of yours slut or not."

He rummaged through something retuning in what couldn't have been more than a few moments but felt like forever. "You came harder like this than you did any other part of the night little one. You hadn't fucked like that with anyone except me because no one before me could possibly put you in your place."

I practically snarled at him, "in my place?"

He suddenly pulled both my wrists behind my back, tying them together.

I growled into the pillow, pissed off.

He ignored me, "yes." He brushed back my hair, "under me. Begging to cum."

I shuddered, irritated by my own arousal, "I don't beg for orgasms Asmos never have."

I felt something warm tracing my spine. A little wet lik- holy fuck its his tongue.

"Clearly" he rumbled in my ear, "you have selective memory about the ball little mate."

His hands ran over my sides.

Jesus fucking christ is everything about this man big? His dick is on thing but those paws of his can do a number on a lady no questions asked.

Good thing im not a lady. "What the hell are you talking about?"

One of those previously mentioned hands gripped my hip, the other in my hair, pulling me back, "when I had you on your hands and knees, your hair wrapped around my first do you remember what you did?"

Honestly he fucked me so many times that night i was pretty sure I forgot my own name for a while.

But he didn't need that ego boost.

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