Ch 54: Perfectly Normal

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Asmos POV:

Evie threw the other she wolf around as if she were a rag doll.

I leaned against the windowsill, watching her as her friend chewed her nails beside me. "Evangeline is a rather well equipped fighting."

Melody flinched as Evie thew the other woman into one of the wooden supports of the patio with a snarl. "Evie rarely gets physically violent, but when she does..."

As if on cue there was a crack through the air.

Evie ripped the chain from the porch swing and wrapped it around the other woman's throat. "She's ruthless." I supplied for the small blond.


The entire thing was wild and rage fueled. The raven haired girls locks a mess of black and red as she snarled at the choking woman, "she's beautiful." I murmured more to myself than anything.

I could feel Evies friends gaze on me, "seriously?"

I didn't even spare her a glance, finding myself wondering how she would hold her own against some of my pack.

Considering the she wolf was out cold and Evie was swinging that chain around, vivid green eyes searching for her next victim, I had a feeling she would knock a few men on their asses if need be.

My inner wolf was almost jealous that she hasn't tried to lash out like that towards me.

She would respond well to being pinned down I was sure. "It looks like shes found her next target."

Melody sighed, "yeah. Shes not gonna stop anytime soon. Once we had to actually make her stop. She only ever gets like this when shes really emotional. Which. She doesn't."

"I will stop her if there is a threat to her safety."

The blonde snorted, "everyone else be damned?"

"She owes them nothing." I glanced at the much smaller woman, "how is she in wolf form?"

The girl looked away, "what do you mean?"

"Fighting. In her wolf form."

Evie grabbed a man by the wrist, twisted and  simultaneously hooked a leg around his neck and brought him to the ground.

I can't imagine her wolf is any less vicious.

"Shes good."

I paused, eyes narrowing, "just good?"

"Well obviously better than good but like, don't you wanna be surprised?"

Shes hiding something.

"How often does Evie shift?"


"I will throw you out this window after breaking your neck Melody, Evie is fond of you, I am not."

"Only when she needs to." She blurted, "shes not one of those wolves who loves being in wolf form."


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