Ch 2: The Wonders of Alcohol and Sex

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Evangeline POV:

"Where were you?! Evie I thought we said-"

"Found a hot guy. Sorry Mel."

Melody, blinked at me. "Seriously? Look as your best friend I feel like I should step in now and say stop Evie, its almost time for the Lunar Ball." She held up a magazine, "we are supposed to be picking out gowns and hairdos. You know to look fucking amaazzzzinnnng when we meet our mates."

"If." I corrected, "if we have the misfortune of meeting our mates and giving up our fabulous single lives at the mere age of 18. There is so much dick left to hop on."

Her nose wrinkled, "uhm Evie, I'm a virgin remember? Im saving myself. For my mate...and I know you...your spiraling."

I cocked a brow at the bubbly blonde, "spiraling?"

"Yes... you have been with three guys in the past 2 weeks... you never go out that much and as much as you like sex you don't bounce around so much. I know your angry, but your brother-"

"Is dead, he and his precious mate for no fucking reason."

She sighed, "Evie. What happens if you meet him and you change your mind? Won't you feel guilty?"

I pretended to think about it for a moment, "No. I wont feel guilty, because I'm not keeping him."

Melody has been my best friend since we were six, I trust her with everything, shes the only person who knows how I feel about mates.

Shes the one who stayed with me in my room after Everett died.

She held me while I sobbed and everything I ever knew fell to pieces.

And shes never told anyone about my feelings because she knows it wouldn't turn out well.

Still, she picked at the pale blue polish on her nails, "Evie...I know everyone says this but, your mate..."

"Is the Hawthorn packs last hope to remain an actual pack I know but dads been training me in Everetts place. No one will have to know, if we don't find my mate I'll just take over alpha duties when dad steps down."

"No one will agree to that."

"If I prove myself they have no choice."

She just stared at me for a long moment, blue eyes sparkling with humor, "you would take on the world if you could Evangeline. But maybe give your mate a shot? He could be really nice."

"What if he's an alpha? Then the pack will have to merge when dad steps down if not sooner."

"Well..." she hesitated, "maybe he will have a nice pack? Not too large so the merging won't be to difficult. Oh and maybe he wont be so far away?"

"Or maybe it will be in a foreign country where there is no sunlight and you have to leave and you can only go to the lunar ball on occasion because you haven't found your mate and its so far away."

She blinked at me, "you are really really mean sometimes. But maybe we will get really lucky and your mate will be like an alphas second or third son? He can move here and take over the pack when its time then! Perfect because he has alpha blood and like he would be more open to breaking tradition and leaving his pack because he will get to run it!"

I gasped and gave her a blinding smile, "oh my gods or he wont show up at the ball ever and I never have to deal with this crap!"

She scowled, "your just going to go get drunk and find a mildly to totally depressed wolf who didn't find his mate and have sex with him in the closest bathroom aren't you?"

I grinned, "yup."

"Evie! Seriously?! No! Bad Evie! Its the Lunar Ball!"

"And it happens every year from what I hear."

She flopped back onto my black comforter, staring at the Ceiling, "just...wait until after the ball is totally over. Please."

"Of course." I nodded, toying with the ends of my hair. I really need to re dye the tips. The burgundy is fading. "I wouldn't want to accidentally fuck your mate before you meet him. Talk about awkward."

She just gaped at me, voice raising an octave, "no! Have sex with no one at the ball do you understand me missy?!"

I laughed lightly at her outrage, "what about after you find your mate or give up?"

She chewed her lip, "well..okay..but I still think its a bad idea."

"All my ideas are bad ideas do you think I should change the color of my tips or stick to red?"

"I think maybee cut off the dyed parts of your hair before the lunar ball because it's disrespectful to your wolf to damage its coat?"

I rolled my eyes, "it only shows up a little on my ears in my wolf form. And only if I dye too much."

"Your mate-"

"I Don't care about what he thinks. Its my hair, my life."

She huffed, "look...Evie have you considered he could make you happy?"

"Im already happy."

"You have 16 books on how to combat depression and when we were 15 you seriously contemplated suicide."

"It was the one year anniversary of my brothers death. Those books are from around then too and I found the wonders of alcohol and sex."

"All you did was just prove my point."

Sighing heavily I flopped back on the bed next to her, taking her hand in my own, "I'm okay Mel, I just wish that the entire future of our pack wasn't dependent on one stupid rule, and me by default. Since Everett died its all anyone talks to me about."

She curled into me, "well if it helps. I like your hair. And those jello shots you made."

I laughed "thanks babe."

"Anytime. And Evie?"


"No matter what you choose to do with your mate, I got your back. Its what friends are for. Even if my mate takes me far away anytime you need me, I'm there."

"Ditto. Wherever your mate takes you, ill be there for you."



She hit me in the face with a magazine, "start looking for a dress, the facebook group is already filling with girls calling dibs on dresses. We need to pick ours before someone else claims it, remember? No one from our pack can wear the same dress."

I groaned underneath the magazine, "fine."

"And nothing too revealing."

"So mesh is outa the question?"

"If I can see your nipples its a no."

I snapped my fingers, "damn it. There goes all my dreams."

I got hit with another magazine.

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