Ch 41: You are not an Alpha

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Evie POV:

I looked up from my suitcase as Asmos walked into my bedroom.

He didn't say anything at first, instead opting to look around at the various photos of Mel and I, the books, random trinkets, my silver sheets, "you sent me quite a few alarming photos from those sheets little one, quite a risk."

I shrugged, "whatever."

He walked around me picking up the skull I had turned into a vase, "is this real?"


"Interesting.." he murmured setting it down in favor of a framed picture of Mel and I as children. He handed it to me, "things like this will help the transition."

I took it from him, placing it between some clothes so it wouldn't break, "I wont have enough room for everything."

"You wont need it all. But what you do we can have your friend send. The rest of your clothes your books, whatever means the most to you."


"You are moving into my home Evie, it is no longer just your space. At least not unless we decide to go our separate ways."

I shook my head, "and is your space still?"

"It is ours. For the time being."

I nearly scoffed, "and so I suppose I Can redecorate then?"

"Perhaps some things," he sat on the edge of my bed next to my open suitcases, "you will come with me tonight to my hotel, you can return in the morning for the rest of your bags and to say goodbye."

I blinked at him lips parting in surprise, "your not staying here?"

"So your father can attempt to murder me? No. Nor are you, he is an Alpha running out of options, who knows what his wolf will push him to do."

"My father would never hurt me."

Asmos zipped the suitcase I was struggling to close, "hurting you is irrelevant, I do not doubt he will attempt to keep control of you and away from me." His hand ran through my hair almost soothingly, "I will not allow it. You can order room service again if you would like and there is a jacuzzi tub for you to soak in. Relive some tension."

"I..." I wasn't exactly sure what to say, "I don't know Asmos..It's my last night with my family."

Those sapphire eyes searched mine, "And what will they do other than blame you for telling me of your brother?"

I didn't know, so I didn't reply.

The large man removed the suitcases from the bed, putting them with the various other bags and boxes I had stuffed my crap into before returning.

I watched him warily as he reclined on the bed and gestured for me. "You got mad last time I fucked you."

Irritation flashed behind his eyes, "I am not going to have sex with Evangeline, now come here."

Sighing, I did, flopping into bed next to him, "there. Now what?"

He said nothing, just pulled me a bit closer to his warmth, overwhelming me with his scent.

The struggle to not bury my face in his neck and just breathe him in was real.

I hated our bond because even when I was furious at him, having him near was a balm to my tattered soul.

"Now you tell me what you thought you were going to do with all of this. You are a smart girl Evie, you had to have known that the moment you found out we were mates whatever plan you and your family had to keep this pack and around was finished."

I turned onto my side looking at him with as much irritation as I could muster.

In all honesty I was just exhausted by the ball of secrecy that had become my life. "My parents and I were never on the same page."

"That..." he rumbled, "doesn't surprise me in the slightest."

"My dad wanted my mate to take over the pack."

"Typical hope of Alphas who only have daughters or apparently have lost their sons."

"I wanted to run the pack."

A deep growling chuckle vibrated through his chest, "that is quite radical thinking little one. You are not an alpha."

"" I murmured, "but I can run a pack."

"They do not respect you enough."

I grit my teeth, "they would. I would make it impossible not to."

His blue eyes searched my face, "I do not doubt you would do such or die trying."

I scowled, "you think I would die."

"Wolf men do not do well being dominated by a woman." He gripped me by the waist and pulled me atop him, "as admirable as it how independent you can be, the world is not ready for you Evangeline Hawthorn. They cannot handle you."

I sat up so I was straddling him with my hands on his chest, "and you? Can you handle me Asmos?"

His hands slid up my thighs, gripping my hips, "I think we have already established that I handle you quite well. And I have never minded a woman who was of strong mind and will, I just do have a habit of making them submit." His fingers stroked my thighs, "I am an alpha after all."

"No shit? I haven't noticed."

He grunted, "you would not be able to live as you wished running this pack alone."

"And its not like I get a say in yours." I muttered scowling.

"We will see how we progress and your strengths."

I didn't believe that for a moment. The man was obviously a control freak.

Still, I changed the subject, "You know. I have never fucked anyone in this bed..."

Asmos shot me a bland look, "and you never will."

Gods damnit.

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