Ch 56: Observing

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Evie POV:

I awoke in Asmos' huge bed, light streaming through the curtains concealing the wall made entire of glass.

A floor to ceiling window overlooking the pack.

I pushed some of my hair from my eyes, frowning at the lack of large, warm, man next to me.

I was so exhausted last night I didn't even get any dick.

This bed is perfect for fucking.

I also didn't get a look at the house as I lugged my tired body through it.

So, I should probably explore, get dressed, and then wonder into the pack.

Padding from the bed, I wondered into Asmos' closet and threw on one of his shirts.

I noted, slightly amused, that he has a think for flannels.

His house thought, was beautiful. Not really modern but not some dusty antique either.

There were rooms with bare brick walls and ones painted in earthy tones. Plenty of glass that looked out at the natural landscapes.

Oak floors and plush furniture.

An expresso machine.

A fucking expresso machine. One of those fancy ones that will put you out of a grand.

Needless to say, I found myself leaning against the marble counter sipping on what was probably some very expensive coffee beans put through a very expensive coffee maker.

I sighed happily into my cup, eyeing the fridge. It was one of those fancyscmancy ones with the electronic screens that doubles as a window.

I set my coffee down and walked over to it tapping the screen. "Holy shit the fridge can play music."

"It can. Who are you and why are you in Alpha Lelantos' house?" Someone growled out behind me.

I turned to see a woman with long chestnut hair scowling at me. I smiled a small, unpleasant smile at her? "Technically at the moment its also my house."

She scoffed, "what is with you sluts always thinking falling on the alphas dick means you run the pack?"

I resisted the urge to growl at her, "would you happen to be Mia?"

She rolled her eyes, "where did he get you from? Ugh no I'm not that brawny bitch. I'm Gloriana, my mother is the alphas house keeper."

A maid? I get a maid? No more cleaning.

Well. If I knew that maybe I would have stayed with Asmos sooner. "So why are you here then?"

"Moms sick." She huffed, "said I need to substitute for her."

"Awesome." I hummed, "the towels need to be washed. Do you do laundry? While Asmos was wondering around outside of the pack it looks like he did a horrible job at keeping up with his laundry."

She gaped at me, "what the hell, you literally cannot tell me what to do."

"I literally just did." I replied sarcastically.

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