Ch 42: Rogue

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Evie POV:

My parents were not happy when Asmos and I walked downstairs, his right hand at the small of my back and the handle of my carry on bag in his left.

His cold remark that we would be back to pick up my things in the morning left my father sputtering.

Asmos didn't even stop his stride long enough for me to say goodbye, instead when I started to stop, he moved his hand from my back to entwine with my fingers, tugging me along that way.

I didn't mention the hand holding as we walked through pack grounds, there wasn't anybody out this time of night really anyways.

Still, I stared at our entwined fingers in confusion.

He had gotten me out of my house, its not like I actually fought him or struggled, I'm not going to run. So why is he still holding my hand?

I could practically feel his gaze burning into the side of my head, "you tend to overthink things Evie. Stop."

I rolled my eyes, "how can I not overthink it Asmos? You say you're not sure that you want me as your mate, yet you hunt me down and take me back to your pack with you. Your weird as fuck and aloof but then you like do all this shit for me. Men who don't give two fucks don't offer to move my best friend across the country. They don't ask after my health, and..." I gestured to our hands, "they don't hold my hand."

He looked irritated but didn't meet my gaze, instead looking dead ahead, "it calms my wolf."


His gaze flicked to our entwined hands, "It. Calms. My. Wolf. Who would frankly rather just kill and take over this pack as I always do. The bond works both ways Evie, it doesn't only effect you. My human side doesn't know what to make of you or do with you, my wolf side has 1002 reasons to keep you around. I am not one to cause a divide between the two sides of myself so at times, I must relent." He growled a bit, "Do not start mistaking this for my being in love with your or some bullshit you teenage girls come up with."

I scoffed, "you were never in danger of my thinking you gave a flying fuck Asmos. Why didn't you just let me go when I ran?"

"Because you are mine."

I growled lowly, "that is no reason to fuck up my life."

He growled back, "I didn't have a choice. You ran my wolf said chase."

"Oh and the big bad alpha is incapable of controlling his wolf?! How the fuck do you control a pack when you cant even control yourself? Huh?!"

Suddenly we weren't holding hands anymore and I was shoved up against a tree, "Evie. It has been almost fifty years since I started searching for my mate and when I found you you fucked me and disappeared! There was no controlling my wolf after that. You were not even a thought upon your parents brains when I was old enough to be mated." His grip on me loosened a bit "fifty fucking years my wolf sat around waiting for whatever she wolf the moon goddess made for us. She took her fuckin time on you apparently and you ran."

Asmos shook his head, breathing deeply.


"Don't. Don't speak right now Evie. Just listen for once." His gaze pinned me to that tree more than his hands ever could, "When I met you, my human half was skeptical, you were obviously young and a bit of a spitfire. But my inner wolf was beyond elated to see you standing there, to feel your wolf. Half of me wasn't sure right off the bat what Luna was thinking giving you to me as a mate, the other half didn't care, wagging its tail like a dumb pup who's experiencing his first full moon as an adult. Waking to you gone had my wolf howling endlessly in my head. I have never in all my years had so much trouble reigning in my animal instincts."

"I didn't think about things that way." I muttered meekly.

"No. You didn't. You wouldn't Evie because your so busy thinking about yourself."

"I didn't mean to..."

He sighed a bit, "I know. But Evie, it that kind of irrationality that makes you such a doubtful alpha female. That is something you must understand. I am not a regular wolf not even a regular alpha, you are so young you likely do not know. But I built this pack with my own hands, it was not a legacy, we were nothing until I made us into everything every other pack should be weary of. I will not lose what I have worked so hard to build because the moon goddess gave me a woman who cannot carry its weight."

I wanted to protest, I could carry whatever weight I needed to and then some. But I didn't. I nodded a bit instead.

All large packs that I know of are legacies.

I had no idea that the Lelantos pack wasn't, "what sort of pack were you before you took over?"

He pulled away from me, letting me off from the tree, "we were not." He growled out, taking my hand once more. "We were rouge's."

I felt a shiver claw down my spine as I followed him out of my packs territory.

Rogue's. That suddenly both explained Asmos a bit and made him all the more daunting.

More dangerous.

More questionable.

What sort of rogue builds a pack?

Much less one of the size and strength of his.

Who the fuck am I mated to?

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