Ch 18: A Good Little Girl

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Asmos POV:

I paced my office in the main pack house.

She fucked me, gave me a fake name, and left.

My wolf was howling in my head almost non stop.

He's pissed the fuck off.

And honestly I agree with that part of me. The anger of my wolf side is something I understand.

But he's hurt too.

He's fucking sad she up and left.

My wolf is the only part of me sad that she ran.

I have never been more out of synch with my wolf side.

Im just mad as fuck, part of me wants to kill her.

My inner wolf absolutely refuses.

She hasn't rejected me yet, that means in stupid wolf brain that she will stay.

Shes not going to.

Girls who drag you into bathrooms to fuck you and give you a fake name don't stay.

Laura was a boring name it hadn't suited her,

I should have realized.

But after murmuring it to me she had slowly kissed trails over my neck and chest, her small soft hand wrapping around my cock.

I didn't think to question the woman before me. She was possibly the future alpha female of my pack if she was strong enough. Either way woman was my mate and a seriously good fuck. Even if I had only intended on playing with her a short while, I didn't even consider she might not be staying.

I didn't spare a moments thought on the oddly boring name for the wild girl.

And even if I had, she had only given me a few moments before she was pawing at me again, the scent of her arousal drifting through my senses.

When two mates meet it becomes a nearly never ending sex marathon.

Even if one is rejected, fucking often comes first. Our wolves not wanting anything else.

Nothing other than a pup filling her if the desires of my own wolf echo that of others.

That was the problem with our wolf halves.

They are not strategic. They rely on instinct.

If my own bloody thirsty wolf side didn't have my calculating human side to it I would likely be dead.

But I am calculating and my so called mate has disrespected me more than once.

She needs to be punished.

And I have to hunt her down to do so.

She, like her wolf, doesn't seem strategic. Her impulses seem to guide her, hence answering her video call naked.

She wants to rile me because she thinks its interesting and fun.

But she failed to realize that her room is covered in possible clues to where my little mate is hiding away.

I wont give her the year she asked for.

She doesn't need a year she needs a firm hand to sit her tight ass down and make her behave.

And after thats finished, maybe I'll stay with her, maybe I'll reject her and go to a more suitable woman.

Mia has been showing some potential as of recently.

My inner wolf growled as the other woman crossed my mind, shoving the memory of a breathless raven haired she wolf painting my name naked to my conscious instead.

The little girl was certainly adept in pleasure. But as of now, that seems to be the only thing she is capable of. Mia isn't better than her in bed by any means but that is not what I need in an alpha female. I can get sex from any woman, even if my nameless mate is rejected I may indulge in her on occasion. She is mine after all.

Mia would just be a better alpha female. She knows how to take control of some of the toughest warriors in the pack and how to submit to me perfectly.

Honestly, my runaway is likely not worth it in the end.

But my inner wolf insists.

And the last thing a lycanthrope should do is throw the balance with their wolf sides.


I studied the screen as my Beta leaned against the wall. "They headed north?"

"It seems so alpha...but how far or if they changed direction is unknown."

Two panicking impulsive girls wouldn't think to try and throw us of their trail by misleading us.

And I also thought that my mate gave me her real name and wouldn't run in the first place. "We will start north and see what we can find, they drove but it didn't seem like a rental car, I doubt they were headed for the airport but have the Deltas anyways."

"Of course Alpha Asmos."

"Inform the pack I will be gone for at least a week."

Keegan's brows furrowed, "you are going to get her yourself?"

"Shes my mate." And I would be the one to drag her back to me and punish her thoroughly. "Besides I have business up north anyways."

He nodded, "of course." Slowly he approached me, "what should I tell everyone?"

"That I have business. Not a word about her Keegan."

He bowed his head slightly, "of course." The large man paused before grinning a bit, "will you be needing extra time after you find her to...make up for lost time."

I glared at him, growling lowly, "I have already explained to her that expecting any sort of affection after what she pulled would be stupid so no."

He shrugged, "thats not gonna make her want to come out of hiding but alright. Let me know if things change."

"They wont."

She slept with me and ran once already.

It is not an experience I will repeat, even if I have to lock her in a room before I decide what to do with her.

Plus the full moon is in a few days. I have already given myself time to punish her. Mates mark one another on the full moon. She can spend hers tied to my bed getting her ass turned cherry red begging for my touch.

I'm not stupid, she isn't one to wait around when her body wants pleasure.

And even if I don't think I want her, until our bond is severed, she wont be touching any other man.

She can squirm with her desires until the next full moon if need be.

Things could have been so much more pleasurable for her if she was a good little girl.

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