Ch 24: Good Girl

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A/N: ur welcome ;p
Evie POV:

My ass feels like its on fire.

I figured with the massive fucking hard on I knew Asmos had he would punish me a little bit and then fuck the living hell out of me.

But nooo he's sadistic outside and apparently inside the sack.

Go figure.

I couldn't deny it though, I was so wet it was starting to run down my thighs.

I couldn't deny my barely muffled grunted moans every time his hand came down on my ass.

He was spanking me so hard it rocked my body forwent with each slap, causing my nipple to rub against the lace of my sheer bra and the sheets.

Im pretty sure I'm dying.

And my stupid vagina loved every second.

I was split between pleasure and pain, panting and whining.

How the fuck isn't his hand hurting.

I could feel my ass bounce as he spanked me.

And the pervert that was most of my brain hoped he liked the view because I'm damn proud of my ass.

Seriously though, man was gonna leave a bruise or some shit if he didn't let up soon.

I gasped out his name, "Asmos!"


I nearly jumped off the bed with how much that one stung. "can you sto-"


Three spanks each harder than the last had tears coming to me eyes and my thighs quivering.

"Shut. Up." He growled.

And then he kept going just as hard.

The tears spilled over as I gasped, wiggling from the stinging pain.

At least my ass wasn't completely bare. I cant even imagine.

His hand hit a sensitive spot on my burning ass causing me to yelp out, "wait!"


He slapped me in the same place. Somehow harder.

I tried to wiggle away.

It was impossible with my bound wrists.

He pulled me back where he wanted me by my hips. "Do that again and the next Swats going right on your little clit."

Oh. My. Fuck.

"I can't take anymore Asmos! It hurts."

"It's supposed to."


"Fuck your mean! Fuck y— FUCK!"

He had slid his hand under me and twisted my sensitive nipple.

Now I knew I was dripping down my thighs.

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